Why is the left so petrified of Trump rallies? In poker there is a thing called a tell. This is where your body language gives away...
The Democrats can tear down statues but they cannot tear down their racist history. The Democrats are masters of projection. Whatever they accuse you of, they...
The dumbing down of America is contagious. Our iconic featured photo by Sara Bloom of the Philly riots hits close to home. As in my photo...
Defunding the police is the biggest dunderhead idea since the Green New Deal from the left. Never has there been a more idiotic idea than defunding...
How could the COVID-19 obsessed media cheat on their main squeeze with Black Lives Matter? Roughly a little more than a week ago if you just...
The media blackout of the BIGGEST political scandal in American history. Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all we’ve heard for the first three years of the Donald...
Are we as (BLACKS) not smart enough to realize that we are being duped into a race war? In 2016 George Soros funded the riots in...
When keeping it real BLACK, goes wrong! The internet is ablaze with the Joe Biden gaffe, if you don’t know if you’re for me or Trump...
The important details the media conspicuously leave out. When last we left General Flynn our caped crusader in my previous article, he was at the precipice...
How can our country let this travesty of justice happen? When Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of The United States was welcoming in President Elect Donald...