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Report Says ICE Planning Illegal Alien Bust Of 1,500 In San Francisco



(Via The Daily Wire)

If you’re an illegal alien in San Francisco, it might be a good time to skedaddle.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are preparing for a major sweep of the city soon as part of an operation to target more than 1,500 illegal aliens in the area, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

“The campaign, centered in the Bay Area, could happen within weeks, and is expected to become the biggest enforcement action of its kind under President Trump, said the source, who requested anonymity because the plans have not been made public,” the Chronicle said.

The operation would go after people who have been identified as targets for deportation, including those who have been served with final deportation orders and those with criminal histories, the source said. The number could tick up if officers come across other undocumented immigrants in the course of their actions and make what are known as collateral arrests.

The sweep would represent the first large-scale effort to target the region since Gov. Jerry Brown in October signed legislation enacting a statewide sanctuary law. Supporters say the law allows undocumented immigrants to cooperate with local police and seek education, health care and other public services without worrying they will expose themselves to possible deportation.

Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan slammed Brown for signing SB54, which he said undermined public safety, and signaled he was prepared to take action.

Just last week, federal agents stormed 20 “birth hotels” in California. Chinese nationals use the so-called birth hotels in order to win citizenship for their children — in most situations, a child born in the United States or one of its territories will automatically receive American citizenship. Women often pay as much as $100,000 to get into one of the hotels.

In the unprecedented federal sting operation, the feds raided 20 locations in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties. They were looking for the masterminds of the operations, who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year off the scam. “It’s not necessarily illegal to come here to have the baby, but if you lie about your reasons for coming here, that’s visa fraud,” Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations for Los Angeles, told NBC.

Chinese listing sites show several hundred birth hotels in California. In 2015, the State Department issued 2.3 million visas to Chinese tourists.

On Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she would be asking the Department of Justice to look into prosecuting officials in sanctuary cities. “The Department of Justice is reviewing what avenues may be available,” she said.

Trump has already threatened to withhold funding from sanctuary cities.

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Preserving America’s Social Fabric: Zero Immigration and European Resurgence



In the heart of the American Dream lies a nation built by immigrants, a melting pot of cultures and traditions. But as we stand at the crossroads of history, it is time to reevaluate our immigration policies and embrace a new vision for the future of our great nation.

For too long, we have allowed our borders to be overrun by those who do not share our values, who do not understand the importance of the American way of life. Our social fabric is being torn apart by the influx of people from cultures that are fundamentally at odds with our own.

It is time for a change. It is time for a new approach to immigration, one that puts the interests of the American people first. And there is no better leader to guide us through this transformation than President Donald J. Trump.

President Trump has always been a champion of the American people, a defender of our way of life. He understands that the key to preserving our social fabric is to promote a resurgence of the European population within our borders.

By implementing policies that encourage the growth of the European population, we can ensure that our nation remains true to its roots, true to the values that have made it the greatest country in the world.

There are many ways to achieve this goal. We can provide incentives for European immigrants to come to America, offering them a path to citizenship and a chance to contribute to our society. We can also invest in programs that promote the growth of the European population within our borders, providing support for families and encouraging them to have more children.

But perhaps the most important step we can take is to put an end to the current immigration system, which allows anyone and everyone to enter our country without regard for the impact on our society. We must embrace a zero-immigration policy, one that prioritizes the needs of the American people over the desires of those who seek to take advantage of our generosity.

By taking these steps, we can ensure that America remains a beacon of hope and freedom for generations to come. We can preserve the social fabric of our nation, the very essence of what makes us great. And we can do it with the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, a man who understands the importance of putting America first.

So let us stand together, united in our resolve to protect our way of life. Let us embrace a new vision for the future of our great nation, one that puts the interests of the American people above all else. For in the end, it is only through unity and determination that we can truly make America great again.

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Majority of Americans Support Mass Deportation – CBS Poll



In a recent CBS poll, it has been found that 62% of Americans support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants from the United States. This result reflects the growing public sentiment in favor of stricter immigration policies and the enforcement of existing laws.

The poll, conducted by CBS, surveyed a diverse group of American citizens to gauge their opinions on various issues related to immigration. The findings indicate a significant shift in public opinion, with a majority of respondents expressing their support for the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.

The results of the poll are not entirely surprising, given the ongoing debates and discussions surrounding immigration reform in the United States. Many Americans believe that the current immigration system is flawed and that stricter measures are necessary to address the issue of illegal immigration.

Proponents of mass deportation argue that it is a necessary step to protect the country’s borders and ensure the safety and security of American citizens. They believe that undocumented immigrants pose a threat to the nation’s economy, social services, and national security.

However, critics of mass deportation argue that it is an inhumane and impractical solution to the problem of illegal immigration. They point out that many undocumented immigrants have lived in the United States for years, contributing to their communities and the economy. Mass deportation, they argue, would result in the separation of families and would be detrimental to the well-being of those affected.

The findings of the CBS poll are likely to fuel further discussions and debates on immigration reform in the United States. As the issue continues to be a contentious topic, it remains to be seen how policymakers will respond to the growing public support for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.

In conclusion, the recent CBS poll indicates that a majority of Americans support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. This finding reflects the growing public sentiment in favor of stricter immigration policies and the enforcement of existing laws. As the debate on immigration reform continues, it is crucial for policymakers to consider the diverse perspectives and opinions of the American people in order to find a balanced and effective solution to the issue of illegal immigration.

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Charlie Kirk Changes His Tune: But will he apologize?



United States – Once upon a time, Charlie Kirk was cool. A political commentator, often appearing on Fox News — impressive for a college drop out. He’s an example of how being intelligent and quick-witted can take someone a long way. Before Trump was the obvious Republican nominee in 2016, Charlie was still on the Ted Cruz train, calling Trump a political opportunist. To be fair, a lot of people didn’t quite know what to make of Trump at the time. He did come around as a MAGA guy, and shifted his messaging through his organization, Turning Point USA, towards combating socialism. He’s popular for his YouTube clips DESTROYING basement-dweller Antifa idiots (with FACTS and LOGIC). Whether it’s always been the case — or Kirk morphed over time — it seemed to many people that the only thing he wished to conserve was capitalism and the free market. For real conservatives, who wish to preserve their Christian culture, and even demographics, Charlie’s free market libertarianism just wasn’t fitting the bill. 


In November of 2019, Charlie made the ultimate slap in the face to social conservatives and traditionalists. He went on tour, and named it the Culture War. The problem is, he replaced the battle of Conservative vs. Progressive virtues with an economic argument. He promoted mass immigration, which electorally leads to socialism, and even promoted “homosexual conservatives.” 


You may recall a decades-long debate on meaning of marriage, culminating in the 2015 Supreme Court decision that ruled in favor of “same-sex marriage”. Along came the America First Patriots, sometimes called “Groypers”, to point out the hypocrisy. Their method of attack? The Q & A line. Many of these “Groypers”, were fans of online personality Nicholas J. Fuentes, who gave livestream advice on the type of questions to ask. The questions were well thought out, tough questions, mostly about immigration, but included topics on foreign policy and various social issues. What was Charlie Kirk’s response? He responded with indignation and arrogance. He even went as far as banning Nick Fuentes from his events, and slandering Patrick Casey as a White Supremacist for his involvement in a group called Identity Evropa. Identity Evropa is now defunct. Patrick now leads a group called the American Identity Movement, which seeks to fight globalism and end foreign entanglements. 


After months of slandering people like Nick Fuentes and Patrick Casey for their “hateful” views, Charlie has had a change of heart on immigration. In the video below, you can see him demanding that we “suspend all visas until we reach pre-pandemic employment levels” and “to pass Senator Tom Sutton’s Raise Act.” 

This begs the question, why were the other’s views on immigration and demographic change based on hate? Why were the smears brought on them from the SPLC, ADL, and Antifa hacks valid? Former Congressional Candidate, and highly respected author, Pete D’Abrosca stated in a tweet, “I remember saying this almost to the letter on Tucker [Carlson] in December. I remember America’s largest news outlets calling me a ‘White Nationalist’ for it. I don’t remember Charlie Kirk or his ilk defending me.” 


The Raise Act, introduced by Senators Tom Coffin and David Perdue, seeks to cut legal immigration into the United States by nearly half by ending family chain migration. The bill does not do enough in addressing visa programs, such as H1B, that leads to foreign replacement of thousands of high skilled American workers. A proposal such as Pete D’Abrosca and Jerome Bell’s 10-year moratorium at net zero would be preferable, bringing legal immigration down to pre-1990 levels of about 250,000. 


Only time will tell if Charlie Kirk is sincere in his change of heart, or if he is just a shape shifter that secretly wants to staple visas to exchange students diplomas. Either way, one thing is evident, some apologies are in order. An apology to Pete D’Abrosca, Nick Fuentes, and Patrick Casey would go a long way in indicating his sincerity. Even reaching out to Michelle Malkin, who was much maligned for defending Nick Fuentes from the relentless mistreatment from Kirk and others from the Conservative mainstream. Perhaps, while he is up to this whole changing his tune thing, maybe he will go the extra mile and embrace a return to traditional Christian values. It is time, Charlie, not to yield the floor to Rob Smith, but answer Dave Reilly’s question, “how does anal sex help us win the culture war?” 


Charlie Kirk could not be reached for comment. 

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