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Mass Shootings: The Roots pt. 3



If you haven’t read my previous articles on mass shootings, please read them here:

Part 1

Part 2


In part 1, I briefly touched the question as to why these mass shootings happen.  In part 2, I went deeper into the sin issue, which is the root of the mass shootings.  I provided a small amount of Biblical evidence regarding the sin issue.  I discussed the importance of the story regarding Cain killing Abel, and why Cain killed Abel.  I detailed all of the sin Cain dealt with and mentioned the fact that the same sin that Cain dealt with is the same sin WE deal with as humans.

You and I are not exempt from this sin problem.

we are all fallen creatures standing before a Holy God who demands righteousness and obedience.  The sin that infected Cain has infected us all, and we need help.  The sin issue is the root cause of all mass shootings, and every mass shooter that has ever lived is sinful (like you and I), and they will have to stand before God one day just like you and me.

This is the final part of this mini series.  The reason why I wanted to write some opinion articles on mass shootings is because  society as a whole is missing the mark on why these mass shootings happen.

Society is scratching at surface level symptoms, and I wanted to get to the root of the problem.

Welcome to part 3.

We’re all sinful

The Apostle Paul makes it clear in Romans 3 that we are all sinful.  He says there is no one that is good.  Paul says that we have all “fallen short” of God’s glory.  This is you, this is me, and this is every mass shooter that has ever lived.  We are totally and utterly depraved.  Apart from God, Ephesians 2 says that we are “dead in sin”.

So now what?

The solution

Jesus Christ is the solution.  Jesus Christ is the Gospel.  The Gospel means good news.  He is the answer to every problem we see around us, including mass shootings.  The truth is, we all need Jesus just as much as mass shooters need Jesus.  We need God to save us from ourselves, because when we are left to ourselves, we will continue to choose ourselves over Jesus.

The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (ESV)

Jesus calls us to repent and believe in Him.

Repent simply means to change our mind about who we are (sinful), and who God is (Holy).

Repentance leads to the total surrendering of yourself to God.

Belief simply means to trust fully in who God and what He says in His Word, the Bible.

My hope

So there it is, the solution.  It might seem simple, but we like to make it super complex.  My hope is that Jesus will transform destroyed homes and broken hearts.  My hope is that Jesus will convict sinners and will give fathers the courage to lead their homes in grace and truth.  My hope is that Jesus will repair the sinner’s heart and transform that heart into a heart that desires to obey God.  My hope is that the people in America will stop looking for faulty solutions to the mass shooting problem and will look to Jesus for guidance.

I’m not here to speak about comforting lies, I’m here to give you uncomfortable truths that lead to a life of fullness with Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the only solution to mass shootings.

Nothing less, nothing more.

We all just need Jesus.

Soli Deo gloria**




**If you’re interested in the solution, feel free to watch this video

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Dark Side of Surrogacy: A Modern Form of Human Trafficking



In today’s capitalist society, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples has become increasingly normalized, with little regard for the ethical implications and potential for exploitation. This is largely due to the commodification of children and the dehumanization of women, particularly those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Surrogacy involves the use of a woman’s body to produce a child for someone else, often for a significant sum of money. This commodification of children and women’s bodies is a form of human trafficking, as it involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for financial gain.

The surrogate mother, often from a lower socioeconomic background, is essentially renting out her body to produce a child for someone else. This is a clear example of exploitation, as she is being used for her reproductive capabilities and then discarded once her purpose has been served.

Moreover, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples is often justified under the guise of “progress” and “equality.” However, this ignores the fact that it is a form of human trafficking that dehumanizes women and commodifies children.

In a capitalist society, where money is the ultimate goal, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples is seen as just another way to make a profit. The rights and well-being of the surrogate mother and the child are often disregarded, as the focus is on the financial transaction.

It is time to recognize the dark side of surrogacy and acknowledge that it is a modern form of human trafficking. We must prioritize the rights and well-being of all individuals involved, rather than viewing them as commodities to be bought and sold.

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The Russia Collusion Hoax!



The media blackout of the BIGGEST political scandal in American history.

Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all we’ve heard for the first three years of the Donald J. Trump presidency. Fast forward June 3rd 2020, Capital Hill, Washington D.C. our nations capital. Former Deputy Attorney General and former acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by South Carolina (R) Senator Lindsey Graham. This is the first time the Republicans get to investigate the investigators to get to the bottom of the Russian Collusion investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that alleged Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton. Russia in all of it’s iterations have been on the lips of every Democrat politician, legacy media anchor and liberal political pundit with condemnation for three years. Now the moment of truth has come and we are to question and hopefully get answers to the burning questions that all of us political navel gazers were waiting for.

Oh wait…… Did you hear that? Deafening silence from the legacy media! Now that we are getting answers to some very outstanding questions the media is MIA. We have learned at the end of the Mueller investigation that no one, no American worked with or colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. No American secretly includes the Trump administration. So how did the FBI, CIA and DOJ investigate charge, surveil,  jail and try to impeach the president? You extend FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant like a normal warrant by showing probable cause. When you end up with nothing then you are left to look back and say then what was the cause for all of the investigations and warrants if you never actually found any wrongdoing?

This is where we come to the greatest political scandal in American history. The IG (Inspector General) Michael Horowitz and other investigators have found errors, mistakes and omissions in almost every FISA application. This meaning they were all fraudulent or illegal. The Obama administration officials were spying illegally on the Trump campaign in which Trump calls bigger than Watergate which I believe is true.

General Michael Flynn who was Obama’s DNI (Director of National Intelligence) was hated to the core by Obama and his top brass. Flynn bumped heads with Obama on almost every military and national security issue. Flynn was going to audit and restructure the whole intelligence apparatus. He was fired before he could get that started. He was then hired by the new incoming Trump campaign to the chagrin of Obama. January 4th 2017 the DOJ was dropping it’s investigation of Michael Flynn. On January 5th, Peter Strzok and the FBI would start or extend the investigation of Michael Flynn after a meeting on January 5th in the oval office with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, top aid Susan Rice, DAG Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey and a few other top aids. This is where they hatched another plot to go after Trump and General Flynn. Mind you the day before this infamous meeting The DOJ was about to drop all charges against Michael Flynn and the FBI agents who illegally interviewed Flynn said he didn’t lie. Now finally after years of prosecution Flynn retained a new lawyer Sydney Powell and she was able to finally get the exculpatory evidence and get his case dropped. But to everyone’s surprise in an unprecedented move judge Emmit Sullivan is trying to pull in an amicus brief (friends of the court). The judge is trying to be the prosecutor. Some say he got his marching orders from on high to not let Flynn get off but he has no legal legs to stand on. This leads me to believe Flynn is the Big Fish. They are spending all of their political capital to keep this man silence and sentenced.

They say they started the investigation because George Papadopoulus was overheard in a bar in England talking about Hillary’s emails. Now you only have to have half a brain to realize that is nonsense. So Papadopoulus was also set up framed and spied on. He forgot an exact date so they used that to prosecute him for perjury in which he did 12 days in prison. Who gets sentenced with 12 days if you are this big international criminal?

Carter Page was also wrongly investigated. An email was manipulated by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. He changed that Page worked with CIA to Page DID  NOT work with the CIA. Which was a complete 180 and a lie. But eventually Carter Page was never charged. So why were all of the FISA warrant extensions signed to keep investigating him? Carter Page was an informant for the CIA and helped with the prosecution of Russians. So this was hidden from the court. Carter Page was portrayed as one of the ringleaders of coordinating the Trump administrations contact with Russia. That means Carter Page was intricately planning with Donald Trump to perpetrate this fraud. So we ask how often was Trump and Carter Page in cahoots to hatch the plot? Say what? They what? Carter Page and Trump never met? How can you plot this huge international crime and you have never met with your criminal partner?

All of these facts are coming out and now we see in August 2017 before Special Counsel Mueller was appointed there was no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia. How can you run an investigation for three years and never find any wrongdoing? All evidence was made up and planted and slowly the public is starting to realize it. This is why Trump always called it the hoax! And now we can see Trump was right!


By Michael Ameer

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Is the Media Inciting a “Race War”?



Are we as (BLACKS) not smart enough to realize that we are being duped into a race war?

In 2016 George Soros funded the riots in Ferguson and around the nation in memory of Michael Brown who was gunned down by a white police officer in a violent confrontation. Also there was Philando Castile who coincidentally was gunned down in Minnesota by a police officer. This election year reaction is systematic like clockwork. They see a tragedy of the Black community and swoop in and coop the pain and suffering of a people for their own personal political gain. Black Lives Matter are paid protesters, ANTIFA are paid protesters and there are many more paid protesters. This is the job that former POTUS #44 held. COMMUNITY ORGANIZER! They foment unrest for political purposes not for justice.

Fast forward to May 2020 the violent death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minnesota Police. I could not bare to watch the complete 8 minute barbaric treatment these police officers put on George Floyd. It was horrific. But not like in many of these cases the officers here were fired and charged with murder. Normally the public riots when there is an injustice and the police seemingly get away with murder. This time it seems that justice was prevailing and the Department of Justice was swiftly investigating the case. So if the perpetrator is being brought to justice why the riotous reaction nationwide?

The answer is quite simple. There are evil forces that profit and benefit on the pain and suffering of the underclass and they send agitators and organizers to violently protest in major cities to dominate the news cycle. You will also see this will happen in predominantly liberal cities with a high crime rates and possibly a sanctuary city. They turn a peaceful protest into a violent riot.

You saw a white woman with a dog unleashed in Central Park calling police on an “African-American” man allegedly threatening her. You saw a 20 year old black boxer with COVID19 and mental health issues put into a nursing home and recorded viciously beating a white elderly man. You saw Ahmad Arbery shot in Georgia by a white retired police officer and his son during a life or death struggle and video surfaces months later. Unfortunately these type of events happen all over the USA on a daily basis. What we have now is to take the white on black and the black on white incidents and make them viral and stir up the deep seated racial emotions and hatred. Once you see these images and scenarios on constant repeat on television and social media it will indeed have a tremendous emotional impact. This happens on the regular but we seem to fall victim of the emotional heartfelt manipulation.

My featured pic of Nick Cannon is a perfect example during the riots, holding up a poster of George Floyd and in the upper right hand corner of the poster is the logo from CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations). They say they are advocates for Muslim civil rights but they are always in every situation anti-American. They love the fact that blacks are terrorizing their own neighborhoods and they support this with their own dollars. These types of groups are paying blacks to do their dirty work. Are we not smart enough to know we are being used?



By Michael Ameer



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