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Gen. Michael T. Flynn “The Character Assassination of an American Patriot”



How can our country let this travesty of justice happen?

When Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of The United States was welcoming in President Elect Donald J. Trump, there was something subtle but telling  in their conversation, although in hindsight monumental. President Obama warned President Elect Trump of two things. 1) Kim Jong-Un 2) General Michael T. Flynn former Director of Intelligence under President Obama. Looking back you would ask why would President Obama mention General Flynn, a decorated war hero, in the same breathe as Kim Jong-Un, the ruthless despot dictator of North Korea, who off and on, on occasion threatens to blow up the United States? Once uncovered that Michael Flynn bumped heads with the Obama administration over the strategy and tactics in combating ISIS, domestic spying, the Iran deal and other security issues it makes sense. So as they say Flynn knows where the bodies are buried so it behooved Obama to silence the man who knew too much.

Once Gen. Flynn was designated as public enemy #1 in that infamous January 2017 oval office meeting with President Obama and his top officials including Vice President Joe Biden, Flynn was a dead man walking. On his way out the door President Obama expanded the powers of the NSA world wide to more easily share intelligence. What that did was trigger felonious classified information leaking on Trump campaign officials like never before to establish a nefarious narrative that Trump and his administration were working with the Russians. If you had Russian salad dressing on your salad it would be leaked to the media, and then portrayed as the most dangerous salad in existence to be taken down by a highly lethal Navy SEAL Team. This worked beautifully with full complete and gleeful cooperation of the media.

An important note. There was never any Russian collusion, and 53 Obama administration officials and Intelligence agents testified under oath that they never saw or possessed any derogatory information on the Trump campaign and Russia as it pertains to any illegalities. No collusion, no obstruction. But on television they all would lie and say Trump is definitely working with Putin. General Flynn’s investigation was also being dropped for lack of derogatory information until FBI agent Peter Strzok desperately petitioned to keep the investigation of Flynn open. Now we see this move was to manufacture something, anything negative to take down General Flynn.

Flynn was hired as National Security Director by President Trump. This set off alarm bells within the Obama administration. Within days FBI Director James Comey sent over to the Whitehouse 2 agents to interview General Flynn as he was under investigation. But the agents were sent over, breaking normal protocols and disguising the investigation interview as just a friendly chat. Flynn was told by Andy MccAbe the FBI #2 that he did not need to notify Whitehouse counsel or summon any legal representation. Mind you at this ponit, General Flynn had been investigated, cleared, spied on and unmasked and had not committed any crimes. General Flynn did nothing wrong or illegal within his job as a Trump administration official or private citizen.

The Whitehouse interview was to be used to say Flynn lied or did something illegal. But at that time even the two FBI agents Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok said they thought Flynn was being truthful. Once Robert Mueller Special Counsel came on the scene then all of a sudden Flynn was charged with misleading the FBI even though the agents said initially he was being truthful. The FBI 302’s notes of the original interview have been lost and subsequent notes altered. The FBI had the Flynn call transcript with Russian official Kislyak and were fully abreast of the conversation but were trying to get Flynn to make some misstatements this is known as a perjury trap. If you get a date wrong as George Papadopoulos you could be charged with perjury during an FBI interview. In all of the reporting I’ve seen on this I never hear it explained that Gen. Flynn talked with almost 30 countries in 24 hours. If I talk to 30 different world leaders in 24 hours while I am on vacation I don’t think every word with every leader would be engraved in my memory. From the January oval office meeting Bill Priestep, FBI lawyer had notes that read, “what is our goal with Flynn, to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or to get him fired?” The last time I looked FBI agents weren’t in the business of getting people fired. This was a classic witch hunt.

General Flynn’s legal team was from the law firm of former Attorney General under President Obama his so called wing man Eric Holder. So Flynn was not in good hands. His legal team made a deal with the prosecution to make a plea deal in exchange for not prosecuting Flynn’s son who had a four month old baby at the time. So Flynn had over 2 million dollars in legal fees, sold his house and staring at the prospect of having his family prosecuted. So facing this seemingly insurmountable challenge Flynn plead guilty because he was bankrupt and to save his family. I never see this explained on most newscasts.

In comes the heroine, famed lawyer and best selling author Sydney Powell. She pushed for Brady material (exculpatory evidence) that was illegally withheld from Flynn. Once the evidence came out that exonerated Flynn he withdrew his guilty plea and with the grace of GOD the DOJ under AG Bill Barr dropped the charges. Now a rogue judge Emmitt Sullivan is pulling a hail mary stunt to let in friends of the court try to argue against Flynn. This is highly immoral and unethical by the judge. There is no precedence to what he is doing. Only a prosecutor can prosecute not a judge. Powell filed a motion in circuit court to strike down this attempt by the judge to prosecute a dropped case. The court ruled that Judge Emmitt Sullivan has until June 1st to explain to the court why he is taking this extraordinary action. No matter what happens, President Trump will see General Flynn a free man but will let the case play out and hopefully the court will eventually honor the dismissal of the case. News@11


By Michael Ameer



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Where We Go One, We Go All



In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, one figure stands out as a beacon of unwavering resolve and determination: Donald J. Trump. As the former President of the United States and the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, Trump has consistently demonstrated his commitment to serving the American people, both politically and metaphysically.

Throughout his time in office and beyond, Trump has shown himself to be a leader who is unafraid to confront the challenges facing the nation. His “America First” agenda prioritized the interests of the American people, focusing on issues such as immigration, trade, and national security. Trump’s policies aimed to protect American jobs, secure the nation’s borders, and maintain a strong military presence to deter potential adversaries.

However, Trump’s influence extends beyond the realm of politics. Many of his supporters view him as a metaphysical protector, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the very fabric of American society. This belief is rooted in Trump’s unwavering commitment to his principles and his willingness to fight for what he believes is right, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Trump’s supporters often draw parallels between his leadership style and that of a warrior, a man who is willing to stand up for his beliefs and defend the nation against all odds. This image is reinforced by Trump’s own words and actions, such as his famous quote, “I alone can fix it,” which reflects his belief in his ability to tackle the nation’s problems head-on.

The phrase “Where We go one, we go all” has become a rallying cry for Trump’s supporters, symbolizing their unwavering loyalty and determination to stand by their leader. This phrase encapsulates the idea that Trump’s supporters are united in their belief that he is the one who can lead the nation out of the darkness and into the light.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s influence on American politics and society cannot be understated. As a leader who is willing to stand up for what he believes is right, Trump has become a symbol of hope and determination for his supporters. Whether it be through his political policies or his metaphysical presence, Trump is seen as a protector of the American people, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the nation. Where We go one, we go all.

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President Donald Trump Owned the RNC Convention



In a night filled with political stars and Hollywood glamour, Donald Trump delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that resonated with the populist spirit that propelled him to the presidency in 2016. The Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was the stage for a celebration of conservative values, patriotism, and a vision for America’s future.

Trump’s speech was a masterful blend of fiery rhetoric, personal anecdotes, and policy proposals aimed at appealing to the working-class voters who form the backbone of his base. He spoke passionately about the need to put America first, protect American jobs, and secure the border. Trump’s populist message was clear: he is the champion of the forgotten men and women of this country, and he will fight for their interests.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the presence of several celebrities who threw their support behind Trump. Hulk Hogan, a professional wrestler and entertainer, delivered a powerful endorsement of the president, saying, “Trump is the only one who truly understands the struggles of everyday Americans.” His speech was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, who were thrilled to see a celebrity openly supporting the president.

Another celebrity who made waves at the convention was Eric Trump, the president’s son and a key figure in the Trump Organization. Eric delivered a heartfelt speech about his father’s leadership and the importance of family values in America. He spoke about the sacrifices his father has made for the country and the love he has for the American people. Eric’s speech was a touching tribute to his father and a reminder of the importance of family in the Trump administration.

The night was a resounding success for the Trump campaign, with the president delivering a speech that was both powerful and inspiring. The presence of celebrities like Hulk Hogan and Eric Trump only added to the excitement and energy of the event. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it is clear that Trump remains a force to be reckoned with, and his populist message continues to resonate with voters across the country.

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Assange’s Freedom: A Blow to the Neo-Con and Neo-Liberal Elite



In a surprising turn of events, Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has been freed from prison, sending shockwaves through the political establishment. For years, Assange has been a thorn in the side of the global elite, exposing their secrets and lies to the world. Now, as he walks free, many on the right-wing populist side of the aisle are celebrating, while others, particularly those with skeletons in their closets, are trembling in fear.

The release of Julian Assange is a victory for truth and transparency. For too long, the powers that be have operated in the shadows, manipulating the masses and advancing their own agendas. Assange and WikiLeaks have been instrumental in shining a light on the dark underbelly of global politics, revealing the corruption and deceit that permeates our institutions.

However, not everyone is happy about Assange’s newfound freedom. Neo-cons and neo-liberals, who have long been in cahoots with the global elite, are terrified that their treasonous activities will be exposed. They fear that Assange’s release will lead to a flood of information that will expose their lies and destroy their carefully constructed narratives.

Take, for example, Mike Pence, the former Vice President of the United States. Pence, a known neo-conservative, has been a vocal opponent of Assange and WikiLeaks. Why? Because he knows that his own treasonous actions could be exposed. Pence has been accused of colluding with foreign powers and selling out the American people for his own gain. The release of Assange could be the final nail in the coffin for Pence and his ilk.

The truth is, the opposition to Assange’s release is not about national security or protecting classified information. It’s about protecting the interests of the global elite and their puppets in government. The neo-cons and neo-liberals are terrified of losing their grip on power, and they will do anything to silence those who threaten their reign.

But the people are waking up. They are tired of being lied to and manipulated. They are hungry for the truth, and they will not be silenced. The release of Julian Assange is a step in the right direction, but it is only the beginning. The fight for truth and transparency is far from over.

As a right-wing populist, I believe that the people have a right to know the truth about their leaders and the institutions that govern them. I believe that the global elite and their puppets in government should be held accountable for their actions. I believe that Julian Assange is a hero, and his release is a victory for the people.

So, to Mike Pence and all the other neo-cons and neo-liberals who oppose Assange’s release, I say this: The truth will come out, and you will be exposed for the traitors that you are. The people will not be silenced, and they will not be fooled. The fight for truth and transparency is just beginning, and we will not rest until justice is served.

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