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MAGA: Trump Ending Immigration Protection For 200K El Salvadoran Migrants



(Via Zerohedge)

Almost two months after President Donald Trump revealed that the US would end immigration protections for 45,000 Haitian refugees who’ve been living in the states since the devastating 2010 earthquake that rocked the Haitian side of the island of Hispaniola.

The decision was reportedly made to appease immigration hard-liners who insist the program was never intended to grant permanent residency to Haitians who were displaced by the quake.

And in a stunning follow-up to that decision, the New York Times reported Monday that the administration plans to end protections for 200,000 people from El Salvador who’ve lived in the US for more than a decade.

The Times described the decision as “one of the most consequential to date” concerning Trump’s approach to tightening restrictions on legal immigration while simultaneously cracking down on illegal immigration. Since he’s taken office, there’s been a notable drop in the number of illegal border crossings.

Salvadorans are the largest group of foreigners benefiting from the temporary protected status. Back in September, Trump ended protections for 800,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children – the so-called DREAMers.

The officials, who declined to be identified because they were speaking before an official announcement on the decision later Monday morning, said that the administration was ending a humanitarian program, known as Temporary Protected Status, for Salvadorans who have been allowed to live and work legally in the United States since a pair of devastating earthquakes struck their country in 2001.

Salvadorans were by far the largest group of foreigners benefiting from temporary protected status, which shielded them from deportation if they had arrived in the United States illegally. The decision came just weeks after more than 45,000 Haitians, the second largest group, lost protections granted after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, and it suggested that others in the program, namely Hondurans, may soon lose them as well. Nicaraguans lost their protections last year.

The administration is arguing that the Temporary Protected Status program had turned into a quasi-permanent benefit for hundreds of thousands of foreign residents who relied on it. Trump’s decision to end the protections has alarmed the El Salvadoran community, and companies in California and Texas that employ large populations of the El Salvadoran migrants affected by the decision.

TPS was signed into law in 1990 by President George Bush. It granted protected status to individuals from a given country regardless of whether they entered the US legally or illegally. The protections typically extend to countries experiencing a natural disaster, armed conflict or other strife.

In the days leading up to the decision, immigrant advocates and the El Salvadoran government pleaded for the United States to extend the program, as it has several times since 2001, saying that conditions in El Salvador were still dire. A sense of dread gripped Salvadorans and their employers in California, Texas, Virginia and elsewhere.

“We had hoped that if we worked hard, paid our taxes and didn’t get in trouble we would be allowed to stay,” said Veronica Lagunas, 39, a Salvadoran who works overnight cleaning offices in Los Angeles, has two children born in the United States and owns a mobile home.

There is no limit to the number of extensions a country can receive. Countries that have received, and then lost, the designation in the past include Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was famously the setting for a bloody civil war in the 1990s. Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia were granted protected status during the latest Ebola outbreaks.

El Salvador was one of the first countries affected by the program because of a vicious civil war that raged from 1979 until 1992.

Many people affected by the order will likely remain in the US illegally, since their entire lives and livelihoods are based here. Though some will likely lose jobs for lack of work permits.

Ms. Lagunas said that she would remain in the United States illegally, risking arrest and deportation. But she would lose her job of 12 years without the work permit that comes wit the protection. Her family would lose medical insurance and other benefits.

“There is nothing to go back to in El Salvador,” she said, speaking in Spanish. “The infrastructure may be better now, but the country is in no condition to receive us.”

With his protected status, Carlos Jiron, another Salvadoran, started a small contracting business and won bids for big jobs, including to paint federal buildings in the Washington area.

“We have built a life here, said Mr. Jiron, 41, who lives with his wife and two American-born children in a four-bedroom house they bought in Springfield, Va.

He will have to decide whether to take his children to El Salvador, where he says they would not maximize their potential and would face safety threats; leave them with guardians in the United States;; or remain in the country at the risk of arrest and deportation as one of the millions of undocumented immigrants.

His 14-year-old daughter, Tania, a fan of Disney movies and hip-hop music, said she could not fathom starting over in El Salvador. “This is where I was born and am supposed to be raised,” she said.

Temporary protections for El Salvadorans were also granted in March 2001 after two earthquakes in January and February of that year killed more than 1,000 people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes. Over the next 15 years, the George W. Bush and Obama administrations extended the protections several times. In 2016 – the last time the protections were extended – the El Salvadoran government cited factors ranging from drought to poverty to violence.

San Salvador, the country’s capital, is considered one of the most dangerous cities on Earth. Its reputation for violence has hampered foreign investment. But the Trump administration says the only factor that should be considered when deciding on an extension should be the initial reason for granting the protections: In this case, whether the damage from the two earthquakes has been repaired.

The Department of Homeland Security has decided that, 17 years later, enough of the damage has been fixed, and that the El Salvadorans should rightfully return home.

To be sure, some members of Congress are pushing to enshrine these protections in law – much like Democrats are now trying to do for dreamers. Others are asking the federal government to grant these protections to Venezuelans fleeing an economic collapse in their country. The US Chamber of Commerce has also urged the administration not to abandon the protections.

According to the NYT, removing the protections would result in a labor shortage in the Houston area as it struggles to rebuild following Hurricane Harvey.

But the administration appears unwilling to budge, with Trump viewing his crackdown on immigration as an issue that’s important to his base – making it a nonnegotiable component of his political platform.

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Where We Go One, We Go All



In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, one figure stands out as a beacon of unwavering resolve and determination: Donald J. Trump. As the former President of the United States and the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, Trump has consistently demonstrated his commitment to serving the American people, both politically and metaphysically.

Throughout his time in office and beyond, Trump has shown himself to be a leader who is unafraid to confront the challenges facing the nation. His “America First” agenda prioritized the interests of the American people, focusing on issues such as immigration, trade, and national security. Trump’s policies aimed to protect American jobs, secure the nation’s borders, and maintain a strong military presence to deter potential adversaries.

However, Trump’s influence extends beyond the realm of politics. Many of his supporters view him as a metaphysical protector, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the very fabric of American society. This belief is rooted in Trump’s unwavering commitment to his principles and his willingness to fight for what he believes is right, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Trump’s supporters often draw parallels between his leadership style and that of a warrior, a man who is willing to stand up for his beliefs and defend the nation against all odds. This image is reinforced by Trump’s own words and actions, such as his famous quote, “I alone can fix it,” which reflects his belief in his ability to tackle the nation’s problems head-on.

The phrase “Where We go one, we go all” has become a rallying cry for Trump’s supporters, symbolizing their unwavering loyalty and determination to stand by their leader. This phrase encapsulates the idea that Trump’s supporters are united in their belief that he is the one who can lead the nation out of the darkness and into the light.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s influence on American politics and society cannot be understated. As a leader who is willing to stand up for what he believes is right, Trump has become a symbol of hope and determination for his supporters. Whether it be through his political policies or his metaphysical presence, Trump is seen as a protector of the American people, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the nation. Where We go one, we go all.

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President Donald Trump Owned the RNC Convention



In a night filled with political stars and Hollywood glamour, Donald Trump delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that resonated with the populist spirit that propelled him to the presidency in 2016. The Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was the stage for a celebration of conservative values, patriotism, and a vision for America’s future.

Trump’s speech was a masterful blend of fiery rhetoric, personal anecdotes, and policy proposals aimed at appealing to the working-class voters who form the backbone of his base. He spoke passionately about the need to put America first, protect American jobs, and secure the border. Trump’s populist message was clear: he is the champion of the forgotten men and women of this country, and he will fight for their interests.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the presence of several celebrities who threw their support behind Trump. Hulk Hogan, a professional wrestler and entertainer, delivered a powerful endorsement of the president, saying, “Trump is the only one who truly understands the struggles of everyday Americans.” His speech was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, who were thrilled to see a celebrity openly supporting the president.

Another celebrity who made waves at the convention was Eric Trump, the president’s son and a key figure in the Trump Organization. Eric delivered a heartfelt speech about his father’s leadership and the importance of family values in America. He spoke about the sacrifices his father has made for the country and the love he has for the American people. Eric’s speech was a touching tribute to his father and a reminder of the importance of family in the Trump administration.

The night was a resounding success for the Trump campaign, with the president delivering a speech that was both powerful and inspiring. The presence of celebrities like Hulk Hogan and Eric Trump only added to the excitement and energy of the event. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it is clear that Trump remains a force to be reckoned with, and his populist message continues to resonate with voters across the country.

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Assange’s Freedom: A Blow to the Neo-Con and Neo-Liberal Elite



In a surprising turn of events, Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has been freed from prison, sending shockwaves through the political establishment. For years, Assange has been a thorn in the side of the global elite, exposing their secrets and lies to the world. Now, as he walks free, many on the right-wing populist side of the aisle are celebrating, while others, particularly those with skeletons in their closets, are trembling in fear.

The release of Julian Assange is a victory for truth and transparency. For too long, the powers that be have operated in the shadows, manipulating the masses and advancing their own agendas. Assange and WikiLeaks have been instrumental in shining a light on the dark underbelly of global politics, revealing the corruption and deceit that permeates our institutions.

However, not everyone is happy about Assange’s newfound freedom. Neo-cons and neo-liberals, who have long been in cahoots with the global elite, are terrified that their treasonous activities will be exposed. They fear that Assange’s release will lead to a flood of information that will expose their lies and destroy their carefully constructed narratives.

Take, for example, Mike Pence, the former Vice President of the United States. Pence, a known neo-conservative, has been a vocal opponent of Assange and WikiLeaks. Why? Because he knows that his own treasonous actions could be exposed. Pence has been accused of colluding with foreign powers and selling out the American people for his own gain. The release of Assange could be the final nail in the coffin for Pence and his ilk.

The truth is, the opposition to Assange’s release is not about national security or protecting classified information. It’s about protecting the interests of the global elite and their puppets in government. The neo-cons and neo-liberals are terrified of losing their grip on power, and they will do anything to silence those who threaten their reign.

But the people are waking up. They are tired of being lied to and manipulated. They are hungry for the truth, and they will not be silenced. The release of Julian Assange is a step in the right direction, but it is only the beginning. The fight for truth and transparency is far from over.

As a right-wing populist, I believe that the people have a right to know the truth about their leaders and the institutions that govern them. I believe that the global elite and their puppets in government should be held accountable for their actions. I believe that Julian Assange is a hero, and his release is a victory for the people.

So, to Mike Pence and all the other neo-cons and neo-liberals who oppose Assange’s release, I say this: The truth will come out, and you will be exposed for the traitors that you are. The people will not be silenced, and they will not be fooled. The fight for truth and transparency is just beginning, and we will not rest until justice is served.

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