If there’s one thing that scares the establishment more than pop culture figures like Kanye becoming outspoken supporters of Trump and free expression in general, it’s that trend catching on to other pop culture figures. There’s one thing Trump couldn’t by himself and that was to get the mainstream entertainment & music industry on his side, considering many of their allegiances are with the Democratic party. Kanye West’s no apologetic approach is not only inspiring to those being attacked for “freedom of speech / thought” but also is getting him publicity, good & bad, depending on your perspective.
Observer Reports: As corporate progressivism vies against Trumpian nationalism for the future of America’s Empire, celebrities are inciting their own upheaval within Hollywood.
American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis warned for years of an impending shift against progressive values in a town long touted as a bastion of liberalism. Following Kanye West’s controversial break with liberalism over Twitter and TMZ, Ellis is seeing his premonition unfold.
“I don’t know if Kanye was red pilled exactly,” said Ellis, referencing how individuals are converted to conservatism online similar to Neo’s awakening in the Matrix. “Kanye does not do this in a systematic or literal way: it’s sweeping, metaphorical and inchoate and in the age of digital literal-mindedness.”
In the age of digital literal-mindedness, Ellis and West, who were reported to be collaborating on a film together during the Obama years, became contrarian thinkers of the entertainment industry by flirting on the edges of the Overton window—the range of topics and viewpoints widely viewed as socially acceptable.