Spoiler: They’re the most superficial, narcissistic, arrogant, and boring people on the planet.
By Chad
One night at a bar in Las Vegas, I was approached by the most gorgeous blonde bombshell. After exchanging pleasantries, dancing, and a few drinks, I decided to go home with her. Before getting down to business, “Sarah” (we will call her) dropped the bomb: she was trans.
Now I didn’t freak out or anything. I like to think I’m a pretty open guy. I’ve “dated” hundreds of women (Believe it or not, virgin reader, maybe even a thousand). I would be secure enough in my masculinity to bag a trap. However, it’s not for me and I decided to end the night there. Respectfully (JK I plowed that boy p*$$¥). We talked for a while to disarm the grenade that just went off and I thanked her for a wonderful evening and returned home…
…But it got me thinking: what is this world like? No one in my circle of friends has ever dated one. There are no believable articles or blogs on the subject. They all reek of propaganda. If you read about it online, it’s almost always described as “stunning and brave.” The media will actually have you believe you’re “bigoted” if you don’t want to!!!
To “prove I was no bigot” [JK], I decided to start a social experiment of my own. What I discovered was somewhat shocking to say the least.
Now my first encounter with “Sarah” ended amicably enough. She was visibly irradiated though, and tried several times to coax me into sleeping with her after saying no. Guess she’d never been turned down before. “It’ll be our secret.” That said, we left on decent terms. The next night, I ventured out to a local LGBT spot to try my luck for the first control.
Superficial Lisa
“Lisa” was a 23 year old fair-looking white trans girl . Most men wouldn’t be able to tell (I could). I started chatting her up in the bar, and after a brief conversation, we exchanged numbers. My goal was not to sleep with them, only simulate the dating experience as much as possible. For the next few days, Lisa would text about nothing but being a trans person. Even when I would try to change the subject, conversations often ended with her comparing herself to “biological” women, always framed as being better than. Examples below:

She went on and on and on…

When Lisa wasn’t commenting on how trans she was, she would comment on MY appearance. Context: I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I’m extremely fit (regularly work out; never miss leg day, bro.)
Omg I’ve been dreaming about your body! You look like you could f*** while holding me! You need to shave your face tho, I hate scratchy beards.
On our first, and last, date at a local eatery, she commented on every article of clothing I was wearing.
You have a great body, why are you hiding it? You should wear more tanks.
Again, if I tried to steer the conversation any other direction, it would immediately fall back on either my appearance or how she is trans. I drove her home, and told her this would conclude our seeing each other, to her dismay. She was pretty vitriolic about it after, attacking the same facial features she complimented merely minutes ago.
You look like a juice-head. Muscles gross me out. I bet you have no dick.
I laughed it off and even apologized for disappointing her, then drove off. I found this to be a reoccurring theme. Even in short conversations with other trans girls at bars, they just can not help but talk about themselves being trans, and if not that, then it goes straight to your appearance. Absolutely narcissistic and self absorbed.
Arrogant Jen
Not being able to stomach much more of the gay bars, I decided to head online. That’s where I met possibly the worst of them all. “Jen” was a fiery Hispanic girl I matched with on Tinder. Now she was really passable. I would have been fooled had I not been seeking people like her out. She messaged me shortly after matching. I even found myself somewhat wondering how she was still single… until I didn’t.
Like the others, she drowned on about herself, but I decided to push further for the physical date. She also wrote me a list of her essentials requirements for men she can date. After sending a few pictures, I passed her “test.” I won’t bore you with the details but, suffice it to say, I’ve been with Insta-thots that were less picky.
The following day, she pushed back our 7:00 date to 7:30, which I obliged. I drove out to her place. Since I wasn’t familiar with the area, I was literally 60 seconds late (Important detail, keep this in mind). I text’d Jen to let her know I arrived. What ensued was the most ridiculous interaction I’ve ever had to date:

To be honest, this was a relief. I was shelling out good cash and time at this point on my experiment. I received 50 text messages about why I was an “asshole” and left after 2 or 3 minutes trying to calm her down.
A week later, she asked me out again, but I declined, telling her she should see someone about her obvious issues…
The Ugly Truth
You’re better off dating real women, fellas. I could have pushed many of these “women” further into dating and such, but the barrage of useless conversation, literal mental illness, and suffering is just not worth it. Keep in mind that this is my experience with ones who wanted to sleep with me. I can’t imagine what it would be like for a guy half my stature who was actually into this?
I’m sure there are at least a few trans women that aren’t complete utter trash. I would find them to be the exception, not the rule. In total, I picked up 15 traps, and 14 of them were absolute messes.
Some of the girls I encountered didn’t mind telling me about how they used to pimp themselves for cash to pay for surgery. I think this probably more well known but it’s worth mentioning here. Who knows how many of them have done this…
TL;DR unless you have a high tolerance for bullshit and love penis, date regular women. It’s actually easier!!!