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Wall Street Is Furious At The Trump Tax Plan – Here’s Why



(Via ZeroHedge)

Back in October 2016, the “millionaire, billionaire, private jet owners” of America’s elitist, liberal mega-cities (A.K.A. New York and San Francisco) celebrated the tax hikes that a Hillary Clinton presidency would have undoubtedly jammed down their throats proclaiming them to be a ‘patriotic duty’. Unfortunately, now that Trump has given them exactly what they apparently wanted…an amazing opportunity to ‘spread their wealth around”…they’re suddenly feeling a lot less patriotic.

Of course, as we’ve noted numerous times, while most people across the country and across the income spectrum will benefit from the Republican tax reform package, the folks who stand to lose are those living in high-tax states with expensive real estate as their SALT, mortgage interest and property tax deductions will suddenly be capped. And, as Bloomberg points out today, that has a lot of Wall Street Traders in New York drowning their sorrows in expensive vodka and considering a move to Florida.

One trader, sipping a Bloody Mary on a morning flight to somewhere more tropical, said he’s going to stop registering as a Republican. En route, he sent more than a dozen text messages ripping the tax bill.

A pair of hedge fund managers said the tax bill is too tilted toward corporations, rather than individuals who should get more relief.

“My clients are hard-working young professionals on Wall Street. I don’t have a lot of good news for them,” said Douglas Boneparth, a financial adviser in lower Manhattan who counsels people throughout the industry. Most are coming to terms with it. “I don’t think anyone is going to be surprised by the economic reality.”

“This provides a clear incentive for financial advisers to go independent,” said Louis Diamond of Diamond Consultants. “We’re hearing from a lot of clients on this; it’s just another reason why it makes a ton of sense, economically, to become self-employed.”

Of course, as we pointed out recently (see: Here’s An Interactive Map Of Which Housing Markets Get Hit The Most By The GOP Tax Bill), tax reform will likely be a double-whammy for wealthy bankers in New York and tech titans in San Francisco as their fancy McMansions may also take a pricing hit.

But, not everyone is furious. Afterall, there are still some tax goodies for New Yorkers such as a higher threshold for the alternative minimum tax, and a drop in the top marginal rate to 37% from 39.6%.

As an example, Mike Dean, a broker in New York for TP ICAP Plc, is keeping a positive attitude saying “It’s going to hurt, obviously” but he sees the higher taxes as tantamount to “making an investment in the future of the economy.”

Still others are considering a move to lower-taxed states like Florida and Texas which, as Todd Morgan, chairman of Bel Air Investment Advisors in Los Angeles notes, sounds like a great idea right to the point that you realize that actually entails uprooting your entire family and starting a whole new life in a different part of the country…something that generally doesn’t go over well with teenage kids…”If you’re already rich why would you move to another state and live a different life just to save some money on taxes? What are you going to do with the money? Buy more clothes? Eat more food?”

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MAGA: From Shopping Mall to Manufacturing Hub 2.0



Title: America’s Transition: From Shopping Mall to Manufacturing Hub 2.0

In the past few decades, America has often been described metaphorically as a giant shopping mall or auction house, where consumption and commercialism have dominated the landscape. However, with the rise of the Trump administration and the ambition to “Make America Great Again,” a new vision is emerging—one that aims to transform the nation into the world’s greatest manufacturing hub ever seen, leveraging AI, blue-collar labor, and a combination of innovative technologies.

The shift from a consumer-driven economy to a production powerhouse signifies a strategic move towards self-sufficiency, economic resilience, and global competitiveness. This transformation is not merely about revitalizing industries of the past but embracing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices to redefine the future of manufacturing.

At the heart of this evolution lies the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into manufacturing processes. AI-driven automation streamlines production, enhances efficiency, and reduces costs, enabling American manufacturers to compete on a global scale. By harnessing the power of machine learning and predictive analytics, businesses can optimize supply chains, minimize waste, and customize products to meet diverse consumer demands.

However, the vision for America’s manufacturing renaissance extends beyond technological innovation. It embraces a diverse workforce, blending the traditional blue-collar skillset with the expertise of engineers, data scientists, and software developers. This fusion of talent creates a dynamic ecosystem where creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration drive continuous improvement and sustainable growth.

Moreover, the resurgence of American manufacturing is not confined to a single sector but encompasses a broad spectrum of industries, from automotive and aerospace to electronics and renewable energy. By leveraging cross-disciplinary expertise and fostering strategic partnerships, the United States can position itself as a global leader in advanced manufacturing, setting new standards for quality, innovation, and sustainability.

One of the key strengths of this manufacturing transformation is its adaptability and resilience. In contrast to the volatility of global markets and supply chains, a robust domestic manufacturing base provides stability and security, mitigating risks associated with geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and natural disasters. By decentralizing production and embracing local sourcing, America can reduce its dependence on foreign imports and safeguard its economic sovereignty.

Furthermore, the transition towards a manufacturing-centric economy aligns with broader societal goals, such as job creation, workforce development, and regional revitalization. By investing in vocational training programs, apprenticeships, and re-skilling initiatives, the United States can empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to thrive in the digital age and secure meaningful employment opportunities in the manufacturing sector.

As America embarks on this journey towards manufacturing excellence, it must also prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship. By embracing eco-friendly practices, renewable energy sources, and circular economy principles, manufacturers can minimize their carbon footprint, reduce waste generation, and preserve natural resources for future generations.

In essence, the vision of America as the world’s greatest manufacturing hub represents a paradigm shift—one that transcends partisan politics and embraces a collective aspiration for progress, prosperity, and shared prosperity. By harnessing the transformative power of AI, blue-collar ingenuity, and interdisciplinary collaboration, the United States can reclaim its status as an industrial powerhouse and pioneer a new era of manufacturing innovation on the global stage.

As the nation embarks on this ambitious journey, it must remain steadfast in its commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and technological leadership, ensuring that the benefits of the manufacturing renaissance are felt by all Americans and resonate across borders, shaping a brighter and more prosperous future for generations to come.

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Outrage As Robinhood CEO Confesses To Elon Musk: DTCC Shut Down Stocks In Gamestop; AMC Surge



Did Congressional authority allow DTCC to help defraud middle-class investors buying Gamestop and AMC?

The CEO of Robinhood admitted to Elon Musk that the DTCC – The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation – halted trading during a call Monday morning on the Clubhouse app.


This is not the first time this has happened…

2008 case:

Sound familiar?

This appears to be Pet Quarters having the same issue Robinhood has today.  When Pet Quarters took it to court, the courts said something along the lines of: f*** you, don’t ever come back here (citing technicalities).

Why did they win? Well, DTCC is given the authority by Congress to regulate despite technically being a private organization

There’s more – “To date, except for one case where DTCC’s dismissal motion is pending, all of the cases either have been dismissed by the courts or withdrawn by the plaintiffs.”


Every AG in the country should be made aware of these facts and open investigations into the matter.

Why does Congress get to deputise a private organization as eco-hitmen for the market?

UPDATE (2/3/20 5:09 AM):

(Reuters) – Robinhood Chief Executive Vlad Tenev is expected to testify before a U.S. House committee on Feb. 18, Politico reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The hearing before the House Financial Services Committee has not been formally announced, the report added

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#AdiosAmerica: Republicans (with Democrats) Are Selling Out America to Corporations to Decrease Living Standards



Since the turn of the 20th century, living standards became an important, almost central part to the progressive and labor movements of those times. Now it has become a mainstream of both parties to sell out your labor to lowest bidders in low and high paying jobs. Low paying jobs are being taken by low-wage immigrants protected by Democrats and the high-end jobs are brought in by bi-partisan means, and greatly boasted by Republicans.

This effort has crippled the middle-class for close to 30 years now and with the job market being already tightened by the looming threat of A.I., importing more workers, whether legal or illegal is decreasing the value of labor in America for each and American Citizen. Corporations and Businesses, who rely on keeping employee costs as low as possible generally don’t complain about these practices across the board, why would they?

Americans have an increasingly difficult task ahead of them with the mass illegal migration at the Southern Border but also the legal importation of immigrants through H1-b1 Visas. These challenges will increasingly change the look, heritage of this country. There is no incentive for either Government or Business to care about reigning in immigration to the benefit of the American worker, the bottom dollar line will look better anyways.

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