In a historic turn of events, Mexico is on the verge of electing its first president with a Jewish background, Claudia Sheinbaum. This milestone in the...
In a stunning turn of events, the federal government is reportedly in the process of seizing the Infowars studio owned by Alex Jones. This move is...
In the aftermath of former President Donald J. Trump’s conviction, the political landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. The verdict, which found Trump guilty of 34...
In a stunning and unprecedented move, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has requested a court order to prevent former President Donald Trump from making statements that...
Mike Johnson has been a staunch supporter of Israel, as evidenced by his efforts to push through a $14.5 billion aid package for the country. This...
Memorial Day is a time to remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom and way of life....
In a bold move reflecting the state’s commitment to its security, Texas has embarked on a historic mission to construct its own border wall, a testament...
In the realm of U.S. politics, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has long been a powerful force, shaping policy and influencing elections through its...
President Biden Says Israel is Not Committing a Genocide in Gaza, Denounces the ICC Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu and Gallant In a move that has stirred...
In a recent turn of events, former President Donald Trump has hinted at considering Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for the role of U.S. Attorney General...