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US Gov Pays $17+ Million to Settle Discrimination Claims



(Via RT)

Newly released documents show Congress has paid out more than $700,000 to settle discrimination complaints against House lawmakers over a decade. Some $268,000 was recompense for sexual harassment and sex discrimination claims.

The payouts are part of $17 million paid out over two decades to settle discrimination claims against members of Congress by the Office of Compliance, a taxpayer fund that handles often secret payouts to Congressional employees. The fund and the office are at the center of a probe by the House Administration Committee.

Documents released on Tuesday show the office has paid out more than $342,000 in settlements from 2008 to 2012, including nearly $175,000 for eight settlements related to sexual harassment and sex discrimination accusations against House members. The office had previously released data to the committee, showing more than $359,000 had been paid out from 2013 to 2017, which included $93,000 for two cases of sexual discrimination and one case of sexual harassment.

None of the names of House lawmakers involved in the settlements were revealed in the data, made public by the House Administration Committee chairman Gregg Harper (R- Mississippi). Harper is also leading a probe into the use of compliance funds.

“As I have stated from the beginning of this review, one case of sexual harassment is one case too many,” said Harper. “We must create a culture within our Capitol Hill community that instills in every employee and employer, new and old, that there is no place for sexual harassment in the halls of Congress.”

Harper had requested a breakdown of the $17 million paid out over the last 20 years in settlements for all cases involving claims of violation of the Congressional Accountability Act.

The Act, signed during the Clinton administration, applied 11 civil rights, safety, labor and public access federal laws to the legislative branch. The law also established the OCC to ensure compliance with the act and provide outreach and education program for legislative branch employees.

The data on settlements over allegations of discrimination by members of Congress coincides with an avalanche of public declarations of sexual harassment and abuse claims that have included several lawmakers.

Among them was Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota), accused by multiple women of sexual assault including groping and forced kissing, and who resigned after pressure from his colleagues and is the focus of an ethics investigation.

Two members of the House of Representatives, Trent Franks (R-Arizona) and John Conyers (D-Michigan) have also stepped down, citing allegations of improper sexual conduct.

A number of Democrats have called on President Donald Trump to resign as well, citing accusations of sexual assault and harassment by more than a dozen women. Trump has denied the allegations.

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Where We Go One, We Go All



In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, one figure stands out as a beacon of unwavering resolve and determination: Donald J. Trump. As the former President of the United States and the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, Trump has consistently demonstrated his commitment to serving the American people, both politically and metaphysically.

Throughout his time in office and beyond, Trump has shown himself to be a leader who is unafraid to confront the challenges facing the nation. His “America First” agenda prioritized the interests of the American people, focusing on issues such as immigration, trade, and national security. Trump’s policies aimed to protect American jobs, secure the nation’s borders, and maintain a strong military presence to deter potential adversaries.

However, Trump’s influence extends beyond the realm of politics. Many of his supporters view him as a metaphysical protector, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the very fabric of American society. This belief is rooted in Trump’s unwavering commitment to his principles and his willingness to fight for what he believes is right, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Trump’s supporters often draw parallels between his leadership style and that of a warrior, a man who is willing to stand up for his beliefs and defend the nation against all odds. This image is reinforced by Trump’s own words and actions, such as his famous quote, “I alone can fix it,” which reflects his belief in his ability to tackle the nation’s problems head-on.

The phrase “Where We go one, we go all” has become a rallying cry for Trump’s supporters, symbolizing their unwavering loyalty and determination to stand by their leader. This phrase encapsulates the idea that Trump’s supporters are united in their belief that he is the one who can lead the nation out of the darkness and into the light.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s influence on American politics and society cannot be understated. As a leader who is willing to stand up for what he believes is right, Trump has become a symbol of hope and determination for his supporters. Whether it be through his political policies or his metaphysical presence, Trump is seen as a protector of the American people, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the nation. Where We go one, we go all.

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President Donald Trump Owned the RNC Convention



In a night filled with political stars and Hollywood glamour, Donald Trump delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that resonated with the populist spirit that propelled him to the presidency in 2016. The Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was the stage for a celebration of conservative values, patriotism, and a vision for America’s future.

Trump’s speech was a masterful blend of fiery rhetoric, personal anecdotes, and policy proposals aimed at appealing to the working-class voters who form the backbone of his base. He spoke passionately about the need to put America first, protect American jobs, and secure the border. Trump’s populist message was clear: he is the champion of the forgotten men and women of this country, and he will fight for their interests.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the presence of several celebrities who threw their support behind Trump. Hulk Hogan, a professional wrestler and entertainer, delivered a powerful endorsement of the president, saying, “Trump is the only one who truly understands the struggles of everyday Americans.” His speech was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, who were thrilled to see a celebrity openly supporting the president.

Another celebrity who made waves at the convention was Eric Trump, the president’s son and a key figure in the Trump Organization. Eric delivered a heartfelt speech about his father’s leadership and the importance of family values in America. He spoke about the sacrifices his father has made for the country and the love he has for the American people. Eric’s speech was a touching tribute to his father and a reminder of the importance of family in the Trump administration.

The night was a resounding success for the Trump campaign, with the president delivering a speech that was both powerful and inspiring. The presence of celebrities like Hulk Hogan and Eric Trump only added to the excitement and energy of the event. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it is clear that Trump remains a force to be reckoned with, and his populist message continues to resonate with voters across the country.

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Dark Side of Surrogacy: A Modern Form of Human Trafficking



In today’s capitalist society, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples has become increasingly normalized, with little regard for the ethical implications and potential for exploitation. This is largely due to the commodification of children and the dehumanization of women, particularly those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Surrogacy involves the use of a woman’s body to produce a child for someone else, often for a significant sum of money. This commodification of children and women’s bodies is a form of human trafficking, as it involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for financial gain.

The surrogate mother, often from a lower socioeconomic background, is essentially renting out her body to produce a child for someone else. This is a clear example of exploitation, as she is being used for her reproductive capabilities and then discarded once her purpose has been served.

Moreover, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples is often justified under the guise of “progress” and “equality.” However, this ignores the fact that it is a form of human trafficking that dehumanizes women and commodifies children.

In a capitalist society, where money is the ultimate goal, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples is seen as just another way to make a profit. The rights and well-being of the surrogate mother and the child are often disregarded, as the focus is on the financial transaction.

It is time to recognize the dark side of surrogacy and acknowledge that it is a modern form of human trafficking. We must prioritize the rights and well-being of all individuals involved, rather than viewing them as commodities to be bought and sold.

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