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Republicans Are Weak, Spineless, & Complicit In The Death Of America



While Americans continue to be hurt by stagnant wages, internet censorship, and being replaced by automation & migration…. the House of Representatives spent the entire day arguing about what Representative Steve King never said.  Read that again:

The House of Representatives spent the entire day arguing about what Representative Steve King never said.

The Failing New York Times creates yet another fake news story to frame Rep. King as a white supremacist.  Republicans salivated eagerly to be the first in line to denounce King.

I shouldn’t be surprised.  These are the people who refuse to go to bat against internet censorship even when it hurts their own campaign’s ability to win elections.  They refuse to build a wall.

For some reason, the party is taking the lead from 2012 loser (cannot be emphasized enough: loser) Mitt Romney and a California cuckservative is the House Minority Leader.

These are our leaders?  If so, expect to lose bigly in 2020 and beyond.

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Dark Side of Surrogacy: A Modern Form of Human Trafficking



In today’s capitalist society, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples has become increasingly normalized, with little regard for the ethical implications and potential for exploitation. This is largely due to the commodification of children and the dehumanization of women, particularly those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Surrogacy involves the use of a woman’s body to produce a child for someone else, often for a significant sum of money. This commodification of children and women’s bodies is a form of human trafficking, as it involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals for financial gain.

The surrogate mother, often from a lower socioeconomic background, is essentially renting out her body to produce a child for someone else. This is a clear example of exploitation, as she is being used for her reproductive capabilities and then discarded once her purpose has been served.

Moreover, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples is often justified under the guise of “progress” and “equality.” However, this ignores the fact that it is a form of human trafficking that dehumanizes women and commodifies children.

In a capitalist society, where money is the ultimate goal, the practice of surrogacy for gay couples is seen as just another way to make a profit. The rights and well-being of the surrogate mother and the child are often disregarded, as the focus is on the financial transaction.

It is time to recognize the dark side of surrogacy and acknowledge that it is a modern form of human trafficking. We must prioritize the rights and well-being of all individuals involved, rather than viewing them as commodities to be bought and sold.

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Nick Fuentes’ America First Populism Will Win



In an era where the political landscape is dominated by establishment figures and grifters, Nick Fuentes emerges as a refreshing and unapologetic voice for America First populism. While many on the right pay lip service to putting America’s interests first, Fuentes is one of the few who consistently advocates for policies that prioritize the needs of the American people over the interests of foreign nations, particularly Israel.

Fuentes has been a vocal critic of the pro-Israel lobby’s influence on the Republican Party, arguing that it has led to a foreign policy that is often at odds with the interests of the American people. He has called out politicians who claim to be America First but support policies that benefit Israel at the expense of the United States, such as the massive aid package that the U.S. provides to Israel each year.

While some may dismiss Fuentes as a fringe figure, his message resonates with a growing number of Americans who are tired of the establishment’s empty promises and are looking for a leader who will truly put America’s interests first. Fuentes’ America First movement represents a rejection of the globalist agenda that has dominated both parties for decades and a return to a foreign policy that puts the needs of the American people above all else.

Fuentes’ uncompromising stance on Israel has earned him the ire of the pro-Israel establishment, but it has also won him the respect of many on the right who are tired of seeing their leaders kowtow to the demands of a foreign nation. As the America First movement continues to gain momentum, Fuentes’ message is likely to become increasingly mainstream, forcing the Republican Party to confront the issue of Israel’s influence on its foreign policy.

In the end, it is clear that Nick Fuentes represents the future of the America First movement, and his brand of populism is likely to win out over the grifters and establishment figures who surround Trump. While Trump may know where the real energy is, it is Fuentes who is leading the charge for a foreign policy that truly puts America’s interests first.

Trump would be wise to embrace Fuentes’ brand of America First populism, as it would likely result in even better results and increased popularity for his administration.

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Preserving America’s Social Fabric: Zero Immigration and European Resurgence



In the heart of the American Dream lies a nation built by immigrants, a melting pot of cultures and traditions. But as we stand at the crossroads of history, it is time to reevaluate our immigration policies and embrace a new vision for the future of our great nation.

For too long, we have allowed our borders to be overrun by those who do not share our values, who do not understand the importance of the American way of life. Our social fabric is being torn apart by the influx of people from cultures that are fundamentally at odds with our own.

It is time for a change. It is time for a new approach to immigration, one that puts the interests of the American people first. And there is no better leader to guide us through this transformation than President Donald J. Trump.

President Trump has always been a champion of the American people, a defender of our way of life. He understands that the key to preserving our social fabric is to promote a resurgence of the European population within our borders.

By implementing policies that encourage the growth of the European population, we can ensure that our nation remains true to its roots, true to the values that have made it the greatest country in the world.

There are many ways to achieve this goal. We can provide incentives for European immigrants to come to America, offering them a path to citizenship and a chance to contribute to our society. We can also invest in programs that promote the growth of the European population within our borders, providing support for families and encouraging them to have more children.

But perhaps the most important step we can take is to put an end to the current immigration system, which allows anyone and everyone to enter our country without regard for the impact on our society. We must embrace a zero-immigration policy, one that prioritizes the needs of the American people over the desires of those who seek to take advantage of our generosity.

By taking these steps, we can ensure that America remains a beacon of hope and freedom for generations to come. We can preserve the social fabric of our nation, the very essence of what makes us great. And we can do it with the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, a man who understands the importance of putting America first.

So let us stand together, united in our resolve to protect our way of life. Let us embrace a new vision for the future of our great nation, one that puts the interests of the American people above all else. For in the end, it is only through unity and determination that we can truly make America great again.

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