Former Vice President Mike Pence, once a stalwart ally of Donald Trump, has found himself at the center of controversy following his recent interview with Martha...
Title: America’s Transition: From Shopping Mall to Manufacturing Hub 2.0 In the past few decades, America has often been described metaphorically as a giant shopping mall...
In a political twist that could only be described as extraordinary, Donald Trump has staged a sensational comeback on Election Day 2024, surprising the nation and...
In a move that has left political pundits scratching their heads and Twitter ablaze, former President Donald Trump has announced his intention to provide a live...
Not surprisingly, Donald Trump’s resounding success on Super Tuesday has ignited a wave of enthusiasm among his supporters and sent shockwaves through the Republican establishment. As...
Biden has unsuccessfully been able to reform any issues left by the Trump administration and quite frankly has only made it worse. Inflation and the economy...
I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six. That great lyric from Ice Cube has more bite and meaning in the run up to...
Why is the left so petrified of Trump rallies? In poker there is a thing called a tell. This is where your body language gives away...
Fox News personality Jesse Watters, who hosts the show, “Watters World,” and is a big supporter of President Donald Trump, said Saturday that Democrats are angry...
(Washington AP) Nearly 6 in 10 military veterans voted for Republican candidates in the November midterm elections, and a similar majority had positive views of President...