In a quaint country nestled between rolling hills and lush landscapes, a peculiar phenomenon has caught the attention of keen observers – a population of foxes...
In a move that has left political pundits scratching their heads and Twitter ablaze, former President Donald Trump has announced his intention to provide a live...
Not surprisingly, Donald Trump’s resounding success on Super Tuesday has ignited a wave of enthusiasm among his supporters and sent shockwaves through the Republican establishment. As...
As more utilities are embracing wind/solar, we are going to be facing far more brownouts and blackouts. Here’s a little something for those who have not...
Biden has unsuccessfully been able to reform any issues left by the Trump administration and quite frankly has only made it worse. Inflation and the economy...
Well, folks. The dam is finally breaking on what is exactly going on with the Hunter Biden laptop scandal that the corporate media has refused to...
I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six. That great lyric from Ice Cube has more bite and meaning in the run up to...
Saying a drug that clearly works, doesn’t work is Trump Derangement Syndrome beyond comprehension. The Lancet Study on Hydroxychloroquine was fraught with errors and incomplete data....
How can a party so entrenched in political correctness and against racism openly support Planned Parenthood founded by a raging racist? Quotes of Margaret Sanger: “The...
The left will rewrite history, whether it be Uncle Tom or Confederate statues. Don’t believe the hype. In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the fictional novel,...