By Roberty Stanley | I worked for DACA for 1 year. DACA is funded in each city by the Catholic Church. Each city gets an endowment that can be as large as $2 million from the Vatican.
I’d go to work, and many of the people “in need” drive Escalades, BMWs and Mercedes. The parking lot would be lined with rows of luxury vehicles. (Ironically, the American employees often driving beaters.)
The wealthy donors loved DACA: HP, AT&T, Non-Profits, ect. All of the fat-cats loved DACA.
They love DACA so much they throw EXTRAVAGANT parties YOU couldn’t afford a ticket to to raise money for more illegal cheap labor & to feel good about what a VIRTUOUS person they must be for helping criminal aliens.

It’s a boujee club and you’re not invited…
I go to the Poor Catholic Churchs & Black Churches (to collect donations.) All I hear from the poor Americans [of any race] is how much the Catholic Church has left them behind and they don’t receive any help. The organization has binders FULL of more than 15,000 Catholics begging for help that never got their “prayers” & “dreams” answered. Go to any of Catholic Charities Facebook pages, you’ll see for yourself.
Poor people don’t donate to Catholic Charities. Now you know why.

Even American Hispanics can’t get a DIME from Catholic Charities
This is why I oppose DACA – I’ve arguably done more to help undocumented workers find their place in America. Definitely more than your average person. But African Americans have been wondering “Where’s our place” for centuries now.
African American generational poverty has yet to be addressed by anyone as we are giving millions to undocumented workers. There’s Black American blood in the soil. What do they get? NOTING.
Middle Class African America kids are falling into poverty…
And Most illegal immigrants don’t live in The Hampton’s or Beverly Hills… many live next door to, you guessed it, the African American community. Should they not have a say?!?!?
And meanwhile, they have the audacity to say you are racist & they are the ones who care about minorities & workers? WHAT A JOKE!
I won’t even get into the employees that work for DACA who are raped or assaulted by “Dreamers.” There’s your sexism.
Remember this: when Americans [you] break the law, there is no organization working to help you, no PR campaign to raise awareness of issues that matter to you. There are no rich donors funding your fight for freedom.
Fraud by Americans is criminal; fraud by Illegal Aliens is a ‘dream’…