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Jeff Sessions Finally Instructs DOJ Prosecutors To Ask The FBI About Uranium One & Hillary Clinton Connections



(Via Zerohedge)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has instructed DOJ prosecutors to begin asking FBI agents for explanations regarding evidence pertaining to a dormant criminal investigation into the controversial Uranium One deal linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to NBC.

The order comes as part of a promise made last month by Sessions to examine whether or not a special counsel was warranted in the deal which saw 20% of American Uranium sold to a Russian state-owned energy company in a 2010 transaction allowed by the Obama administration. Prior to the deal, individual connected with Uranium One deal had donated over $140 million to the Clinton Foundation. Moreover, Bill Clinton gave a $500,000 speech to a Russian bank which issued a favorable rating on Uranium One stock. Clinton and Putin met the same day of the speech at the Russian leader’s private homestead.

A report by the New York Times and the book Clinton Cash by investigative journalist Peter Schweizer in 2015 are said to have convinced the FBI in large part to launch their investigation into the Clinton Foundation over several claims of pay-for-play before and during Hillary Clinton’s role as Secretary of State, including the Uranium One deal and several international arms sales.

As reported in International Business Times:

The Clinton-led State Department also authorized $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation, resulting in a 143 percent increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration.

As part of the Uranium One approval process, nine agencies which made up the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had to sign off on the deal. The committee has been considered by some to be a “joke.”

“The committee almost never met, and when it deliberated it was usually at a fairly low bureaucratic level,” Richard Perle said. Perle, who has worked for the Reagan, Clinton and both Bush administrations added, “I think it’s a bit of a joke.” –CBS

As discovered in early November by Twitter researcher Katica while looking at FOIA-requested documents, the FBI made several Preservation and Records requests to various agencies involved in the approval of the Uranium One deal on August 28th, 2015, as published by The Conservative Treehouse. Katica found the requests buried in an FBI file released via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Revealing Timeline

While the Clinton email investigation was launched in March of 2015 after it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal server and non-approved email accounts to conduct government business, reports from August, 2015 revealed that the FBI investigation was actually a criminal probe – though most assumed it was simply covering Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and not the content of her emails.

What Katica discovered is that weeks after the criminal probe began, the FBI sent notices to every agency involved in the Uranium One approval process to preserve records.

This is big: the agencies which received the request included the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI James Clapper), The National Counter Terrorism Center, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Five days after the initial request, the same FBI agent sent another round of notifications to the same agencies, adding the National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS).

The next day, September 3rd, 2015, three more agencies were added to the preservation request: The CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD)

At this point, every single member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which signed off on the Uranium One deal was served with a notice to preserve records.

As The Conservative Treehouse noted in November:

It would be intellectually dishonest not to see the very likely attachment of the special agent’s action. That is to say an FBI probe originating as an outcome of information retrieved in parallel to the timing of the “criminal probe” of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email use.

The sequence of events highlights a criminal probe starting [early August 2015], followed by notifications to the “Uranium One” CFIUS participants [late August 2015].

If you consider the larger Clinton timeline; along with the FBI special agent requests from identified participants; and overlay the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the leading entity surrounding the probe elements; and the fact that the CFIUS participants were the recipients of the retention requests; well, it’s just too coincidental to think this is unrelated to the Uranium One deal and the more alarming implications.

FBI Mole

An October report in The Hill revealed that as early as 2009, the FBI – led by Robert Mueller at the time, had a mole in the Russian uranium industry, and that the agency had evidence that “Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow” – a deal which would grant the Kremlin control over 20 percent of America’s uranium supply.

The mole was forced to sign an iron-clad non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which threatened criminal penalties for revealing information, even to Congress. After a request was made by Reps Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) calling for the Justice department to invalidate the NDA, the gag order was lifted, and the FBI informant was authorized to speak with congress.

Tony Podesta and Uranium One

While one-time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort turned himself in to the FBI a week ago on charges of money laundering, let’s not forget what a former Podesta Group executive interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller told Tucker Carlson Tonight: the FBI probe is now focusing on people in Washington who have worked as de-facto operatives on behalf of Russian government and business. To that end, he had quite a bit to say about his former boss Tony and his relationship to the Uranium One deal.

In late 2013 or early 2014, Tony Podesta and a representative for the Clinton Foundation met to discuss how to help Uranium One – the Russian owned company that controls 20 percent of American Uranium Production – and whose board members gave over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.
In 2013, John Podesta recommended that Tony hire David Adams, Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser at the State Department, giving them a “direct liaison” between the group’s Russian clients and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
“Tony Podesta was basically part of the Clinton Foundation.”
As far as the current state of the FBI investigation, “They are more focused on facilitators of Russian influence in this country than they are on election collusion,” Carlson’s source told Fox.

Tying it together – previous reports of Federal investigations into the Clinton Foundation:

Katica’s FOIA discovery corroborates a New York Times report from November 1, 2016, which asserts that an FBI investigation was kicked off based on revelations of pay-for-play in the book “Clinton Cash” written by Peter Schweizer:

The investigation, based in New York, had not developed much evidence and was based mostly on information that had surfaced in news stories and the book “Clinton Cash,” according to several law enforcement officials briefed on the case.

The book asserted that foreign entities gave money to former President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and in return received favors from the State Department when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton has adamantly denied those claims. -NYT

The Wall St. Journal also reported last October that five FBI field offices were investigating the Clinton Foundation; New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Little Rock and Miami, and “were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling, according to people familiar with the matter.”

The FBI field office in New York had done the most work on the Clinton Foundation case and received help from the FBI field office in Little Rock, the people familiar with the matter said. –WSJ

And in November, as tweeted by Wikileaks and reported on by the Dallas Observer, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July of 2016, after 64 GOP members of Congress received letters urging them to push for an investigation. The investigation has been notably held at the Dallas IRS office – far away from Washington.

The Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas is an all purpose office complex, a bastion of federal bureaucracy located at 1100 Commerce St. Most people come for a passport or to get business done in front of a federal judge. But inside, a quiet review is underway that has direct ties to the raging presidential election: The local branch of the IRS’ Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division is reviewing the tax status of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

So – while the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was sold as a simple matter of mishandling of classified material, we now have proof that the FBI set their sights on the Uranium One scandal weeks after they began looking into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and that five FBI field offices and the IRS have been investigating the Clinton Foundation on accusations of pay-to-play and other criminal acts.

Perhaps Sessions will see the logic in approving a second special counsel after all…

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Where We Go One, We Go All



In the tumultuous landscape of American politics, one figure stands out as a beacon of unwavering resolve and determination: Donald J. Trump. As the former President of the United States and the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, Trump has consistently demonstrated his commitment to serving the American people, both politically and metaphysically.

Throughout his time in office and beyond, Trump has shown himself to be a leader who is unafraid to confront the challenges facing the nation. His “America First” agenda prioritized the interests of the American people, focusing on issues such as immigration, trade, and national security. Trump’s policies aimed to protect American jobs, secure the nation’s borders, and maintain a strong military presence to deter potential adversaries.

However, Trump’s influence extends beyond the realm of politics. Many of his supporters view him as a metaphysical protector, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the very fabric of American society. This belief is rooted in Trump’s unwavering commitment to his principles and his willingness to fight for what he believes is right, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Trump’s supporters often draw parallels between his leadership style and that of a warrior, a man who is willing to stand up for his beliefs and defend the nation against all odds. This image is reinforced by Trump’s own words and actions, such as his famous quote, “I alone can fix it,” which reflects his belief in his ability to tackle the nation’s problems head-on.

The phrase “Where We go one, we go all” has become a rallying cry for Trump’s supporters, symbolizing their unwavering loyalty and determination to stand by their leader. This phrase encapsulates the idea that Trump’s supporters are united in their belief that he is the one who can lead the nation out of the darkness and into the light.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s influence on American politics and society cannot be understated. As a leader who is willing to stand up for what he believes is right, Trump has become a symbol of hope and determination for his supporters. Whether it be through his political policies or his metaphysical presence, Trump is seen as a protector of the American people, standing against the forces of evil that threaten the nation. Where We go one, we go all.

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President Donald Trump Owned the RNC Convention



In a night filled with political stars and Hollywood glamour, Donald Trump delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that resonated with the populist spirit that propelled him to the presidency in 2016. The Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was the stage for a celebration of conservative values, patriotism, and a vision for America’s future.

Trump’s speech was a masterful blend of fiery rhetoric, personal anecdotes, and policy proposals aimed at appealing to the working-class voters who form the backbone of his base. He spoke passionately about the need to put America first, protect American jobs, and secure the border. Trump’s populist message was clear: he is the champion of the forgotten men and women of this country, and he will fight for their interests.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the presence of several celebrities who threw their support behind Trump. Hulk Hogan, a professional wrestler and entertainer, delivered a powerful endorsement of the president, saying, “Trump is the only one who truly understands the struggles of everyday Americans.” His speech was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, who were thrilled to see a celebrity openly supporting the president.

Another celebrity who made waves at the convention was Eric Trump, the president’s son and a key figure in the Trump Organization. Eric delivered a heartfelt speech about his father’s leadership and the importance of family values in America. He spoke about the sacrifices his father has made for the country and the love he has for the American people. Eric’s speech was a touching tribute to his father and a reminder of the importance of family in the Trump administration.

The night was a resounding success for the Trump campaign, with the president delivering a speech that was both powerful and inspiring. The presence of celebrities like Hulk Hogan and Eric Trump only added to the excitement and energy of the event. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it is clear that Trump remains a force to be reckoned with, and his populist message continues to resonate with voters across the country.

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Assange’s Freedom: A Blow to the Neo-Con and Neo-Liberal Elite



In a surprising turn of events, Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has been freed from prison, sending shockwaves through the political establishment. For years, Assange has been a thorn in the side of the global elite, exposing their secrets and lies to the world. Now, as he walks free, many on the right-wing populist side of the aisle are celebrating, while others, particularly those with skeletons in their closets, are trembling in fear.

The release of Julian Assange is a victory for truth and transparency. For too long, the powers that be have operated in the shadows, manipulating the masses and advancing their own agendas. Assange and WikiLeaks have been instrumental in shining a light on the dark underbelly of global politics, revealing the corruption and deceit that permeates our institutions.

However, not everyone is happy about Assange’s newfound freedom. Neo-cons and neo-liberals, who have long been in cahoots with the global elite, are terrified that their treasonous activities will be exposed. They fear that Assange’s release will lead to a flood of information that will expose their lies and destroy their carefully constructed narratives.

Take, for example, Mike Pence, the former Vice President of the United States. Pence, a known neo-conservative, has been a vocal opponent of Assange and WikiLeaks. Why? Because he knows that his own treasonous actions could be exposed. Pence has been accused of colluding with foreign powers and selling out the American people for his own gain. The release of Assange could be the final nail in the coffin for Pence and his ilk.

The truth is, the opposition to Assange’s release is not about national security or protecting classified information. It’s about protecting the interests of the global elite and their puppets in government. The neo-cons and neo-liberals are terrified of losing their grip on power, and they will do anything to silence those who threaten their reign.

But the people are waking up. They are tired of being lied to and manipulated. They are hungry for the truth, and they will not be silenced. The release of Julian Assange is a step in the right direction, but it is only the beginning. The fight for truth and transparency is far from over.

As a right-wing populist, I believe that the people have a right to know the truth about their leaders and the institutions that govern them. I believe that the global elite and their puppets in government should be held accountable for their actions. I believe that Julian Assange is a hero, and his release is a victory for the people.

So, to Mike Pence and all the other neo-cons and neo-liberals who oppose Assange’s release, I say this: The truth will come out, and you will be exposed for the traitors that you are. The people will not be silenced, and they will not be fooled. The fight for truth and transparency is just beginning, and we will not rest until justice is served.

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