The media blackout of the BIGGEST political scandal in American history.
Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all we’ve heard for the first three years of the Donald J. Trump presidency. Fast forward June 3rd 2020, Capital Hill, Washington D.C. our nations capital. Former Deputy Attorney General and former acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by South Carolina (R) Senator Lindsey Graham. This is the first time the Republicans get to investigate the investigators to get to the bottom of the Russian Collusion investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that alleged Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton. Russia in all of it’s iterations have been on the lips of every Democrat politician, legacy media anchor and liberal political pundit with condemnation for three years. Now the moment of truth has come and we are to question and hopefully get answers to the burning questions that all of us political navel gazers were waiting for.
Oh wait…… Did you hear that? Deafening silence from the legacy media! Now that we are getting answers to some very outstanding questions the media is MIA. We have learned at the end of the Mueller investigation that no one, no American worked with or colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. No American secretly includes the Trump administration. So how did the FBI, CIA and DOJ investigate charge, surveil, jail and try to impeach the president? You extend FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant like a normal warrant by showing probable cause. When you end up with nothing then you are left to look back and say then what was the cause for all of the investigations and warrants if you never actually found any wrongdoing?
This is where we come to the greatest political scandal in American history. The IG (Inspector General) Michael Horowitz and other investigators have found errors, mistakes and omissions in almost every FISA application. This meaning they were all fraudulent or illegal. The Obama administration officials were spying illegally on the Trump campaign in which Trump calls bigger than Watergate which I believe is true.
General Michael Flynn who was Obama’s DNI (Director of National Intelligence) was hated to the core by Obama and his top brass. Flynn bumped heads with Obama on almost every military and national security issue. Flynn was going to audit and restructure the whole intelligence apparatus. He was fired before he could get that started. He was then hired by the new incoming Trump campaign to the chagrin of Obama. January 4th 2017 the DOJ was dropping it’s investigation of Michael Flynn. On January 5th, Peter Strzok and the FBI would start or extend the investigation of Michael Flynn after a meeting on January 5th in the oval office with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, top aid Susan Rice, DAG Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey and a few other top aids. This is where they hatched another plot to go after Trump and General Flynn. Mind you the day before this infamous meeting The DOJ was about to drop all charges against Michael Flynn and the FBI agents who illegally interviewed Flynn said he didn’t lie. Now finally after years of prosecution Flynn retained a new lawyer Sydney Powell and she was able to finally get the exculpatory evidence and get his case dropped. But to everyone’s surprise in an unprecedented move judge Emmit Sullivan is trying to pull in an amicus brief (friends of the court). The judge is trying to be the prosecutor. Some say he got his marching orders from on high to not let Flynn get off but he has no legal legs to stand on. This leads me to believe Flynn is the Big Fish. They are spending all of their political capital to keep this man silence and sentenced.
They say they started the investigation because George Papadopoulus was overheard in a bar in England talking about Hillary’s emails. Now you only have to have half a brain to realize that is nonsense. So Papadopoulus was also set up framed and spied on. He forgot an exact date so they used that to prosecute him for perjury in which he did 12 days in prison. Who gets sentenced with 12 days if you are this big international criminal?
Carter Page was also wrongly investigated. An email was manipulated by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. He changed that Page worked with CIA to Page DID NOT work with the CIA. Which was a complete 180 and a lie. But eventually Carter Page was never charged. So why were all of the FISA warrant extensions signed to keep investigating him? Carter Page was an informant for the CIA and helped with the prosecution of Russians. So this was hidden from the court. Carter Page was portrayed as one of the ringleaders of coordinating the Trump administrations contact with Russia. That means Carter Page was intricately planning with Donald Trump to perpetrate this fraud. So we ask how often was Trump and Carter Page in cahoots to hatch the plot? Say what? They what? Carter Page and Trump never met? How can you plot this huge international crime and you have never met with your criminal partner?
All of these facts are coming out and now we see in August 2017 before Special Counsel Mueller was appointed there was no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia. How can you run an investigation for three years and never find any wrongdoing? All evidence was made up and planted and slowly the public is starting to realize it. This is why Trump always called it the hoax! And now we can see Trump was right!
By Michael Ameer