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The Dancing Soldier



Sometimes you just need to take a break, relax, and dance.

Meet Spc. Cedric Gendreau, the dancing soldier.

Around 1400 hours (2 PM), Spc. Cedric Gendreau was working hard in the desert heat, packing a connex full of military gear.

“We were reorganizing a connex, it was hot, so we decided to take a short break,” said Spc. Cedric Gendreau.  “During the break, one of my buddies began to play music and I told him to play ‘Take On me’ by A-ha.”

When the song began to play, Spc. Cedric Gendreau began to bring out his dance moves:


Spc. Cedric Gendreau uploaded the video he made to Facebook, all the reactions he received were priceless.

“Everybody started sharing it.  All the people in the comment section thought it was great and funny,” said Spc. Cedric Gendreau. “I made the video to give people back at home and the other soldiers in my unit a good laugh.”

About a month later, a huge sandstorm hit the area.

“There was this huge sandstorm and we were in our shack because the sandstorm got worse,” said Spc. Cedric Gendreau.  “We were in the middle of training and we had to stop in order to seek shelter.”

After the soldiers found shelter, Spc. Cedric Gendreau wanted to dance, so he did.


“While we were in the shack, my friends and I had the bright idea of making another dance video,” said Spc. Cedric Gendreau.

They made the video, the storm passed, and the soldiers still continued to press on.

If dancing is required to accomplish the mission, then dance.

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Memorial Day Inspires an ‘America First’ Spirit



Memorial Day is a time to remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom and way of life. It is a day to honor the “America First” spirit of our veterans, who have put their country and its citizens above all else. As we celebrate this Memorial Day, let us also reflect on our right and responsibility to uphold the values that our veterans have fought so hard to defend.

The origins of Memorial Day can be traced back to the Civil War, a time when Americans would decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers and flags to honor their sacrifice. This tradition evolved into a national holiday, observed on the last Monday in May, to remember all those who have died in service to our country.

The “America First” spirit is about prioritizing the needs and interests of our country and its citizens. This does not mean isolationism or disregard for the rest of the world, but rather a commitment to ensuring the safety, security, and prosperity of our nation. Our veterans embody this spirit, as they have willingly put their lives on the line to defend our freedom and way of life.

As Americans, we have the right and responsibility to uphold the “America First” spirit that our veterans have fought to protect. This means advocating for policies and practices that prioritize the needs of our citizens, strengthen our national security, and promote economic growth. It also means respecting the sacrifices of our veterans by ensuring that their service is never in vain.

This Memorial Day, let us honor our veterans by fighting for the “America First” values they have defended. We can do this by supporting policies that strengthen our national security, promote economic growth, and protect the rights and freedoms of our citizens. We can also honor our veterans by ensuring that they have access to the resources and support they need to thrive after their service.

In conclusion, Memorial Day is a time to remember the sacrifices of our veterans and to honor their “America First” spirit. As we celebrate this holiday, let us also recommit ourselves to upholding the values that our veterans have fought so hard to defend. By doing so, we honor their memory and ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain.

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Lucas Gage Returns to X After Exposing Palestine Atrocities & Ban Over Alleged Harassment



In today’s digital age, social media platforms serve as vital tools for raising awareness and advocating for causes. However, they also present challenges such as harassment and censorship. Recently, actor and activist Lucas Gage faced these challenges head-on when his X account was suspended for several months following harassment from certain groups unhappy with his efforts to expose war atrocities in Palestine. Now, after a prolonged absence, Gage has returned to X, ready to resume his important work of shedding light on crucial issues.

Lucas Gage, known for his roles in various television shows and films, has also been vocal about social justice issues, particularly regarding the Palestinian cause. His advocacy drew the ire of individuals and groups who disagreed with his stance. Gage utilized his platform on X to spotlight the human rights violations and war atrocities occurring in Palestine, which led to backlash from some pro-Israeli factions.

The backlash against Gage escalated into harassment, predominantly from individuals identifying themselves as Zionists. He faced a barrage of abusive messages, threats, and attempts to undermine his activism. Despite his efforts to report and block the harassers, the situation persisted, taking a toll on Gage’s mental well-being and sense of safety.

In a controversial decision, X suspended Gage’s account, citing violations of its community guidelines. Many criticized X for what they perceived as a failure to address harassment effectively, especially given the circumstances surrounding Gage’s case. The ban sparked debates about freedom of expression, censorship, and the responsibilities of social media platforms in safeguarding users from harassment and abuse.

After a hiatus spanning several months, Lucas Gage has made his comeback to X. His return has been met with an outpouring of support from fellow activists, fans, and individuals concerned about censorship and human rights. Gage expressed gratitude for the overwhelming solidarity he received during his absence and reiterated his dedication to advocating for justice and raising awareness about the plight of the Palestinian people.

The incident involving Lucas Gage underscores the significance of advocacy and the hurdles activists encounter, especially when addressing contentious issues. It also highlights the complexities of navigating social media platforms where differing viewpoints often clash, sometimes resulting in hostility and censorship.

As Gage resumes his activism on X, it is imperative to continue discussions about online harassment, censorship, and the necessity for improved mechanisms to shield users from abuse. Social media companies must reevaluate their policies and enforcement strategies to ensure that platforms remain spaces for constructive dialogue and activism, rather than avenues for harassment and stifling dissenting voices.

Lucas Gage’s return to X serves as a testament to the resilience of individuals committed to social justice causes despite facing obstacles and adversity. His experience sheds light on broader issues surrounding online harassment and censorship, prompting important conversations about the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse. As Gage continues his advocacy, his story serves as inspiration for others to speak out against injustice and strive for positive change.

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POLL: Most Veterans Support Trump



(Washington AP)

Nearly 6 in 10 military veterans voted for Republican candidates in the November midterm elections, and a similar majority had positive views of President Donald Trump’s leadership. But women, the fastest growing demographic group in the military, are defying that vote trend.

That’s according to AP VoteCast, a nationwide survey of more than 115,000 midterm voters — including more than 4,000 current and former service members — conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago. It found that veterans overall approved of Trump’s job performance, showing high support for the president’s handling of border security and his efforts to make the U.S. safer from terrorism.

Male veterans were much more likely to approve of Trump than those who haven’t served, 58 percent to 46 percent.

But 58 percent of female veterans disapproved of Trump, which is similar to the share of women overall (61 percent).

Some takeaways on veterans:


Overall, 56 percent of veterans — both current and former service members — said they approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 43 percent disapproved. Voters who have not served in the military were more likely to disapprove (58 percent) than approve (42 percent) of the president’s job performance.

The survey found that differences in support for Trump between veterans and nonveterans extended across racial and ethnic groups, including among whites (62 percent of veterans approve versus 49 percent of nonveterans), Latinos (53 percent vs. 28 percent) and African-Americans (22 percent vs. 10 percent).

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