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People Arrested For Feeding Homeless in California



(Via San Diego Union Tribune)

El Cajon police officers arrested about a dozen people for feeding the homeless at a city park Sunday afternoon.

The event was organized by a group called Break the Ban, which formed after the El Cajon City Council unanimously passed an emergency ordinance in October prohibiting the distribution of food on any city-owned property.

City officials said the ordinance was a way to protect the public from hepatitis A, but critics have called it a punitive measure to dehumanize and criminalize the homeless.

Mark Lane, one of the event’s organizers, said about 12 to 15 people were passing out food and toiletries to the homeless at Wells Park on East Madison Avenue when police arrived.

About 40 more people, including several lawyers, also were there, but not actively passing out food. Some of those carried signs that had slogans like “Feeding the hungry is not a crime.”

While the event was intended to feed members of the homeless, it was also part of the group’s plan to legally contest the ordinance.

“It was absolutely necessary to beak this law until they were willing to enforce it, and, now that they have, we will continue this fight in court,” said another organizer, Shane Parmely.

It’s a familiar legal strategy that played a critical role during the civil rights movement and other social justice movements, Parmely said.

The arrests began about 3:40 p.m.

According to a video Parmely shared on Facebook, a police officer explained to the crowd that the city council had banned food sharing on public property.

“This park is part of city property so you aren’t allowed to food share,” the officer in the video said. “…If you guys continue to food share, then you guys are subject to arrest, all right?”

Everyone who was handing out food, including a 14-year-old child, was arrested, given a misdemeanor citation with a date to appear in court and released. No one was taken away in handcuffs.

In the video, one officer can be heard explaining the citation was for failing to comply with a municipal ordinance as well as an emergency order recently passed by the city.

An El Cajon police lieutenant was unable to comment on the arrests, saying the city would handle all inquiries.

Lane said Break the Ban will continue to organize events to feed the city’s homeless. Sunday’s event was the second hosted by the group.

They have partnered with a second group called Food Not Bombs that has also hosted two food-sharing events. Another is planned for Jan. 27 at Wells Park.

“Our goal it to get the ban overturned and sit down and figure out how to humanely deal with something that’s not going away,” Lane said.

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Nick Fuentes’ America First Populism Will Win



In an era where the political landscape is dominated by establishment figures and grifters, Nick Fuentes emerges as a refreshing and unapologetic voice for America First populism. While many on the right pay lip service to putting America’s interests first, Fuentes is one of the few who consistently advocates for policies that prioritize the needs of the American people over the interests of foreign nations, particularly Israel.

Fuentes has been a vocal critic of the pro-Israel lobby’s influence on the Republican Party, arguing that it has led to a foreign policy that is often at odds with the interests of the American people. He has called out politicians who claim to be America First but support policies that benefit Israel at the expense of the United States, such as the massive aid package that the U.S. provides to Israel each year.

While some may dismiss Fuentes as a fringe figure, his message resonates with a growing number of Americans who are tired of the establishment’s empty promises and are looking for a leader who will truly put America’s interests first. Fuentes’ America First movement represents a rejection of the globalist agenda that has dominated both parties for decades and a return to a foreign policy that puts the needs of the American people above all else.

Fuentes’ uncompromising stance on Israel has earned him the ire of the pro-Israel establishment, but it has also won him the respect of many on the right who are tired of seeing their leaders kowtow to the demands of a foreign nation. As the America First movement continues to gain momentum, Fuentes’ message is likely to become increasingly mainstream, forcing the Republican Party to confront the issue of Israel’s influence on its foreign policy.

In the end, it is clear that Nick Fuentes represents the future of the America First movement, and his brand of populism is likely to win out over the grifters and establishment figures who surround Trump. While Trump may know where the real energy is, it is Fuentes who is leading the charge for a foreign policy that truly puts America’s interests first.

Trump would be wise to embrace Fuentes’ brand of America First populism, as it would likely result in even better results and increased popularity for his administration.

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Preserving America’s Social Fabric: Zero Immigration and European Resurgence



In the heart of the American Dream lies a nation built by immigrants, a melting pot of cultures and traditions. But as we stand at the crossroads of history, it is time to reevaluate our immigration policies and embrace a new vision for the future of our great nation.

For too long, we have allowed our borders to be overrun by those who do not share our values, who do not understand the importance of the American way of life. Our social fabric is being torn apart by the influx of people from cultures that are fundamentally at odds with our own.

It is time for a change. It is time for a new approach to immigration, one that puts the interests of the American people first. And there is no better leader to guide us through this transformation than President Donald J. Trump.

President Trump has always been a champion of the American people, a defender of our way of life. He understands that the key to preserving our social fabric is to promote a resurgence of the European population within our borders.

By implementing policies that encourage the growth of the European population, we can ensure that our nation remains true to its roots, true to the values that have made it the greatest country in the world.

There are many ways to achieve this goal. We can provide incentives for European immigrants to come to America, offering them a path to citizenship and a chance to contribute to our society. We can also invest in programs that promote the growth of the European population within our borders, providing support for families and encouraging them to have more children.

But perhaps the most important step we can take is to put an end to the current immigration system, which allows anyone and everyone to enter our country without regard for the impact on our society. We must embrace a zero-immigration policy, one that prioritizes the needs of the American people over the desires of those who seek to take advantage of our generosity.

By taking these steps, we can ensure that America remains a beacon of hope and freedom for generations to come. We can preserve the social fabric of our nation, the very essence of what makes us great. And we can do it with the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, a man who understands the importance of putting America first.

So let us stand together, united in our resolve to protect our way of life. Let us embrace a new vision for the future of our great nation, one that puts the interests of the American people above all else. For in the end, it is only through unity and determination that we can truly make America great again.

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Paul Ryan Committed Treason Against President Trump



In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was in possession of the infamous Steele Dossier long before it was made public. This bombshell information was uncovered by none other than former Trump official Kash Patel, who shared the details on Steve Bannon’s show, The War Room.

According to Patel, Paul Ryan had a copy of the Steele Dossier in his possession as early as 2016, while he was still serving as Speaker of the House. What makes this revelation even more damning is the fact that Ryan never disclosed this information to his Republican colleagues or to President Trump himself. Instead, he chose to keep it hidden, allowing the false narrative of Russian collusion to fester and grow.

This act of betrayal by Paul Ryan is nothing short of treasonous. By withholding vital information from the President and his team, Ryan actively contributed to the spread of lies and misinformation about Trump and his administration. This not only undermined the President’s ability to govern effectively, but it also eroded the trust of the American people in their elected officials.

The implications of Ryan’s actions are far-reaching and deeply disturbing. If a high-ranking member of the Republican Party can so easily betray the President and the American people, what does that say about the state of our democracy? It is clear that we must hold those in positions of power accountable for their actions, regardless of their political affiliation.

As we approach the 2024 election, it is more important than ever that we elect leaders who are committed to upholding the principles of truth, transparency, and accountability. Once President Trump is re-elected, he must act swiftly to make an example out of those who have betrayed the American people. Paul Ryan must face charges of treason for his actions, and justice must be served. Only then can we begin to heal the wounds inflicted upon our nation by those who sought to undermine our democracy for their own gain.

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