In a quaint country nestled between rolling hills and lush landscapes, a peculiar phenomenon has caught the attention of keen observers – a population of foxes...
The left will rewrite history, whether it be Uncle Tom or Confederate statues. Don’t believe the hype. In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the fictional novel,...
Are we as (BLACKS) not smart enough to realize that we are being duped into a race war? In 2016 George Soros funded the riots in...
The important details the media conspicuously leave out. When last we left General Flynn our caped crusader in my previous article, he was at the precipice...
Fox News personality Jesse Watters, who hosts the show, “Watters World,” and is a big supporter of President Donald Trump, said Saturday that Democrats are angry...
The founding fathers did not intend for our elected officials to make careers out of public office. We have term limits for our President and for...
Media bias is becoming a major issue in the United States today. Most media outlets have become corrupt by politics. The media should be completely unbiased...