In the ever-changing arena of American governance, a powerful voice has emerged among the disheartened supporters of the initial Trump movement. Nick Fuentes, with his magnetic...
In an era where the political landscape is dominated by establishment figures and grifters, Nick Fuentes emerges as a refreshing and unapologetic voice for America First...
Nick Fuentes, a controversial figure known for his far-right views, recently found himself at the center of a hacking incident that disrupted his online activities. The...
Dan Crenshaw continued an onslaught of attacks against Nick Fuentes, Michelle Malkin, and America First patriots by labeling them “vehement racists, antisemites, & ethnic nationalists”. This...
Since the ‘Groyper War’ Phase 1 was a decisive victory following the November 14th ‘Change my Mind’ rip-off Charlie Kirk attempted to pull off, this late...