In a bold move reflecting the state’s commitment to its security, Texas has embarked on a historic mission to construct its own border wall, a testament...
The ongoing struggle that US President Donald Trump is spearheading against the Congress to pass a bill securing $5.7 billion in funding for a US-Mexico border...
It was announced that Mollie Tibbett’s Mother, the girl who was missing from Iowa which ensued nationwide coverage and rewards and was apparently found dead at...
(Via Zerohedge) Construction has just started on a 14-mile section of President Trump’s new border wall along the Mexico–United States border and will include “anti-climbing plates”...
After much success on the border that has been recently reported, such as a 40% increase in deportations of Mexicans and a successful National Guard deployment,...
The U.S. has deported 40% More Mexican nationals between the months of January to March this year than last. This is a great sign that Trump’s...
Unfortunately in the month of April, the Southwest border has experienced a 230% increase in illegal immigration. ‘Catch & Release’ policy has apparently been a major...