Starbucks is going to the illogical extreme by taking an entire day to put their employees through what they call “Racial Bias Education Day”. Coming after...
When Democrats can’t convince existing voters to vote for them, their strategy usually turns to creating new voters. This strategy seems somewhat brazen compared to illegal...
McConnell has decided to withhold voting on a bill protecting Mueller by both Democrats and Republicans from being fired by President Trump, regardless of how Constitutional...
In a what should be hailed as a massive economic improvement, 500,000+ people have decided to drop off of ‘Food Stamp’ EBT program. Trump has made...
In an very in depth story by the BBC, a man who was a New Mexico teacher ended revealing a secret that may or may not...
Russia has now been slapped with more U.S. sanctions following a missile attack on Friday from the U.S. aimed at Syrian based chemical weapons facilities. This...
In what appears to be a tale of leftists eating themselves, there’s a new and growing call to boycott Starbucks after a video has surfaced and...
Trump spent this morning sending out tweet after tweet in what seems to be a major backlash against James Comey and his recently shown comments regarding...
(Via Zerohedge) Former FBI Director James Comey admits in an upcoming ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos that he never told President Trump that the infamous unverified...
(Via Zerohedge) Tremendous pressure is building, like never before, for the Border Wall and an end to crime cradling Sanctuary Cities. Started the Wall in San...