Title: Safe Haven In the heart of Texas, amidst the fervor of legislative changes, a seismic shift rocks the digital landscape. It begins with the click...
New England – A Twitter page for a group called New England Identitarians was temporarily suspended evidently for using the word “Identitarian”. The page had zero...
After the another mass ban by Facebook and Instagram of Alex Jones, Milo, Laura Loomer, and Paul Joseph Watson, it is evermore clear and a massive...
(Via Zerohedge) Every so often, Silicon Valley’s virtue-signaling, shadowbanning, anti-conservative media titans appear in Congress or devise a quick PR campaign to show to the world...
(Via Zerohedge) A prototype of Google’s censored search engine for China links users’ searches to their personal phone numbers, “thus making it easier for the Chinese...
(Via Washington Examiner) Rep. Devin Nunes said he is looking at possible legal action against Twitter over the “shadow banning” fiasco that temporarily decreased the visibility...
(Via Zerohedge) Things have gone from bad to worse for Tesla and its autopilot feature, after the police results from a recent Salt Lake City crash...