Amidst growing concerns surrounding the Iowa women’s gymnastics program, an independent investigation has been initiated by the University of Iowa’s athletic department. This decision comes in...
In the ongoing battle against human trafficking, the revelation of obscure yet crucial connections, termed “oddpath connections,” has shed light on the intricate web of exploitation...
The tranquil town of Vinton, Iowa, has been rocked by allegations against Robert Ducharme, the owner of a local gun store. As the community reels from...
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was shaken by the sudden passing of Casey James Drew on March 11, 2024, at the age of 54. As the news reverberated...
Aaron Calvin has been revealed as the journalist behind the Des Moines Register article in which they dug up a tweet from Carson King, when he...
As an American college student I am a member of the most diverse and technologically advanced generation in the history of the world, and that is...
The founding fathers did not intend for our elected officials to make careers out of public office. We have term limits for our President and for...
Media bias is becoming a major issue in the United States today. Most media outlets have become corrupt by politics. The media should be completely unbiased...
In a not so total surprise ICE raided a concrete business in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Southeast of Iowa City, Iowa. This was for an investigation in...
(Via The AP) DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Republican legislators sent Iowa’s governor a bill early Wednesday that would ban most abortions once a fetal heartbeat...